Climate Crisis!!!!

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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#701 Post by Dushan » Thu Jul 13, 2023 3:31 pm

[quote=OneHungLow post_id=371698 time=1689239277

I was hoping for a "Vaccines Cause Climate Change Conspiracy" article! =))

It goes without saying.
Because they stand on the wall and say "nothing's gonna hurt you tonight, not on my watch".

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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#702 Post by barkingmad » Sat Jul 15, 2023 8:11 am ... f-science/

The punchline, which seems remarkably similar to the “FOLLOW THE MONEY” advice, is;

...” climate pseudoscience has become a scapegoat for a wide variety of other unrelated ills. It has been promoted and extended by similarly misguided business marketing agents, politicians, journalists, government agencies and environmentalists. “In my opinion, there is no real climate crisis. There is, however, a very real problem with providing a decent standard of living to the world’s largest population and an associated energy crisis. The latter is being unnecessarily exacerbated by what, in my opinion, is incorrect climate science,” he added.....

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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#703 Post by Boac » Tue Jul 18, 2023 7:37 pm

There was a momentary flicker of sympathy for poor old BM (gone now) when I thought of the struggle he must be having identifying all those UHIs around the Med that are producing these 'record temperatures'. No pun intended, but it puts RAF Coningsby in the shade. Do they all have jet activity or what?

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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#704 Post by FD2 » Wed Jul 19, 2023 10:03 am

Ever feel manipulated? It will get some people running around like headless chickens, but it sells copy.

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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#705 Post by FD2 » Wed Jul 19, 2023 10:29 am

Free Your Mind: The must-read expert guide on how to identify techniques to influence you and how to resist them

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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#706 Post by Woody » Wed Jul 19, 2023 10:33 am

Didn’t Charlie Chester have a show on the wireless?
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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#707 Post by Boac » Wed Jul 19, 2023 10:54 am

Bit of a come down for him from a popular Radio 'star' to CNN? Don't even go into Cockney Rhyming slang............ :))

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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#708 Post by barkingmad » Wed Jul 19, 2023 2:54 pm

Ilondel wrote 25 Dec 2022:---"... combination of humour, sarcasm and various articles and videos/podcasts which offered an alternative view. I wonder if we've all been lied to and chemtrails are actually real. Quite a few equally credulous claims out there on that subject too".

boac wrote(addressing me) 03 July 2023:--- "... and unreliable temperatures. Got any other nonsense to peddle? Got any link to the 'O-N' member who you tell us "said they reckoned the theory of chemtrails had some credence"? Who is this person you say is another "swivel-eyed looney"? perhaps they would like to protest their innocence? Just ..."

So boac, do sharpen up and maybe try a memory test?

Meanwhile back in the awful EUssr, from which perfidious Albion escaped at the will of the swivel-eyed looney Brexit multitudes, it appears they taking the chemtrails issue seriously; ... hemtrails/

So before all here start whimpering about my diesel car and gas boiler causing the current summer wildfire epidemic, maybe time to pause and ask if the Project Fear Mk2 "Climate Emergency" might just be a result of deliberate messing around with atmospheric qualities as supported and funded by our favorite former Microsoft virus generator?! :-?

And before you ask, yes in keeping with that old adage about checking ones hands for hairs resembling morgellon-like hairs resulting from certain activities, I have confirmed my fingers' and hands' operational surfaces are follicle-free! 8-} =))

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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#709 Post by Boac » Wed Jul 19, 2023 4:30 pm

I'm really going to have to consider stopping reading your posts on 'climate' BM, as my sides are near to splitting. However, how are you getting on tracking down all your UHIs around the Med? How many have you identified as producing the misleading temperature readings you attribute? Have you concluded that the 'record temperatures' we hear of in that area really are invalid?

I did ask whether you had considered llondel's feelings when you assigned him to the BM "swivel-eyed looney" bin? Do you think he might object? llondel - are you actually a "swivel-eyed looney"? I had made a different assessment.

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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#710 Post by barkingmad » Thu Jul 20, 2023 7:21 am

It is summer in the Northern Hemisphere of the Globe, but the weather appears to be seasonably hot. I wonder why that might be and is it due to that bright orb in the sky which pops up every day as scheduled by our Creator?

“Allison Pearson’s column in today’s Telegraph is a corker, laying into the constant propaganda and psychological manipulation being thrown at us from official sources, first over Covid and now over weather and climate, to frighten us into compliance with extreme apocalyptic agendas. Here’s an excerpt.

You may have noticed that climate catastrophism has gone nuclear over the past week, as if on cue (we’ll come back to that), but the good old British weather refuses to cooperate. Disappointingly for the We’re All Gonna Fry brigade, it’s cool, rainy and sullen here with fitful gusts of wind; almost autumnal at times. As a July baby, I can tell you this is not unusual for July. (Prince George will have to get used to having his parties in the cloudy drizzle on our mutual birthday.)

Still, reporters scour the rest of Europe for better (i.e., bad) news. Tourists at the Trevi Fountain in Rome are invited to agree that the weather is “unbearable”. If it’s unbearable, why aren’t they back in their hotel rooms with a wet towel on their heads instead of happily licking their pistachio gelato and soaking up the rays? Why are reports of wildfires in La Palma being linked to soaring temperatures, when the weather on the island is in fact unusually mild, and set to be in the mid-20s all week?

Really not very unusual weather events have suddenly acquired important, scary names drawn from the mythological flames of hell. After Cerberus and Charon, get ready for Heatwave Hades. If the current weather in the U.K. had a name it would be Colin.

Are Brits really “cancelling their holiday plans” because of the “truly terrifying conditions”? Or are they, like me, stocking up on Hawaiian Tropic (used to be sniffy about it, now addicted) from Boots and crawling through the final fortnight of work before I can replenish my stocks of Vitamin D on a Turkish sunlounger.

There is something horribly familiar about all these apocalyptic warnings of catastrophic consequences if people don’t act. “Temperatures across the Mediterranean are nearing the highest ever recorded in Europe with travellers being warned that local medical and health services are strained in some areas.”

Ah, yes, that’s it. Knew we’d heard it before: Stay At Home, Save on Sunscreen, Support Net Zero.

It’s almost as if the same people who scared the pants off us during the pandemic, terrorising people into obeying often idiotic rules, were at it again. The Behavioural Insights Team (a.k.a. the Nudge Unit) – spun out of the Cabinet Office, and now working for many large corporates, global institutions and national governments – is teaming up with broadcasters to drive messages about climate change.

A report by the BIT in collaboration with Sky TV called ‘The Power of TV: Nudging Viewers to Decarbonise their Lifestyles’ says that “behavioural change on climate can be driven by TV… It comes at a critical time as experts now widely accept that we must shift the behaviour of millions of people to deliver our collective Net Zero goals”.

You don’t have to be a climate sceptic to find something sinister in the idea of broadcasters plotting to manipulate the public into reaching “our collective goals”. Whose goals are they? Why no questioning of whether this is in the population’s best interest or not? Where are the alternative points of view?

After the disastrous impact of its Covid propaganda on the nation’s mental and physical health, a period of embarrassed silence would be welcome from the Nudge Unit. Yet, here they go again with their sly tricks, their cold calculation of human weakness, their sneaky sleight of hand. What is the betting that the sudden change in TV weather maps, from pastoral greens and shy yellows to diabolical reds, even bruised purples and black, was suggested by the Nudge Unit?”

So now that Project Fear Mk1 has subsided, until Tedros announces the next PHEIC and forces us all to don the face nappies, let’s keep the panic levels up until the new “scariant” is announced and the weather cools off, as it has done in the UK despite the BBQs being lit adjacent to the RAF Coningsby Stevenson screen... =))

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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#711 Post by Boac » Thu Jul 20, 2023 10:25 am

Brilliant! Well up to standard and most enjoyable.

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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#712 Post by barkingmad » Fri Jul 21, 2023 8:48 am

Meanwhile as the UK braces itself for heavy rain and scorching temperatures of 17* Celsius in midsummer, the climate detectives have been unearthing more inaccuracies in USA data being touted by the Project Fear Mk2 zealots; ... -75-years/

2 paragraphs stand out from the page which sum up the scaremongering and dodgy data;

“Of course it is high summer in the Northern Hemisphere and, regular as clockwork, the Scorchio gang has ridden into town demanding money with menaces to fund its Net Zero racket. Writing in Axios, Andrew Freedman wrote that monitoring the climate this summer can give one the impression that the system “has gone off the rails”. Regular BBC contributor Dr. Frederieke Otto, who claims the power to spot human-caused climate change behind individual weather events, said we are not in a “stable climate”. The climate would remain unstable until humans stop burning fossil fuels. Meanwhile, Dr. Otto continues her modelled “attribution” work, helped by funding from the green billionaire investor Jeremy Grantham.

In fact there may be less heat around in the U.S. than even the official figures suggest. Watts notes that many of the stations reporting higher temperatures were located at airports or otherwise badly-sited locations that create heat biases. Last year, Watts produced a seminal work on the siting of U.S. weather stations, and their suitability to provide accurate measurements. Titled Corrupted Climate Stations: The U.S. Temperature Record Remains Fatally Flawed, he found that 96% of stations were poorly sited, and therefore prone to non-climatic heat additions. As reported, much of the upward heat bias was found to occur in the minimum overnight temperature as tarmac, concrete and buildings released heat. This gave daytime temperatures a head start, enabling them to reach higher than expected maxima”.

So the old ‘plague’ maxim holds good, FOLLOW THE MONEY!

And please don’t raise the Mediterranean temperatures, sure isn’t the British addiction to spending their hard-earned after-tax dosh on flying out there so’s they could lie in the sun and quickly resemble cooked lobsters the reason so many of us made a living over the last few decades, by either shuttling them to/from their chosen BBQ or maintaining the craft which transported them? =))

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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#713 Post by Boac » Fri Jul 21, 2023 9:58 am

sure isn’t the British addiction to spending their hard-earned after-tax dosh on flying out there
I am struggling to see any connection in that random post with climate change, but maybe you can? I am fascinated, however, to know whether your undoubted thorough research is managing to see if the 'record' temperatures around the Med are real or just caused by your favourite multiple UHIs, and that perhaps there really isn't a significant heat wave in progress, so all this concern for agriculture and peoples' health is unfounded. We should be told.

Does this 'Watts' (good name there) 'seminal' work suggest that all these (96%) "Corrupted Climate Stations" in the U.S. are recently placed, because if not then annual trends/history are important and must be taken into account now and in the future, as, indeed, at your much loved RAF Coningsby.

Have you or 'Watts' looked into how Bob2s's RAAF 'UHI' can produce lower that local temperatures (other, of course, than being in the Southern Hemisphere)? Perhaps we actually need more UHIs to combat the rising temperatures?

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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#714 Post by OneHungLow » Fri Jul 21, 2023 11:40 am

What's up bm? Do you know that climate heat increases the potency of the vaccine poison! Do you believe in the moon man? Keep away from gay green frogs dude!

Stay cool bm...

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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#715 Post by barkingmad » Sun Jul 23, 2023 8:26 pm

I am staying cool, with the forecast temperature at my northern kennel location predicting 10* Celsius, it was a close call as to whether I lit the fire in order to reduce the demand on the National Grid last night.

However, a greater danger lies in wait for me due to my dissent from the "Settled Science" of the so-called 'Climate Emergency';

"Climate change, the idea that humankind is having a negative impact on the planet, and what’s more that there will be an extinction-level event if we do not radically change our behaviour, has become one of the most feverishly guarded orthodoxies of our age. You query it at your peril. It is one of the few beliefs for which an entire new grammar of censorship has been created to protect it from interrogation".

As in my scepticism of the Project Fear Mk1, a k a the 'plague', the pile-on will continue even though my doubts about that project have subsequently been proven correct and heaven help anyone here who actually says "It hurts to admit it, but you were right all along BM".

Such an event will occur after Hell freezes over IAW the 1970s forecast of the looming Ice Age which I await with trepidation having believed the eggspurt who originally uttered that doom=laden hypothesis.

However, my detractors here will be pleased to contemplate the fate(s) which have been specified for anyone who dissents from the current Kool-Aid fuelled religion so please peruse this little snippet from history and lick your foam-flecked lips in anticipation of my imminent demise; ... ch-trials/

Perhaps the O-N membership might like to vote for whichever punishment they would inflict, directly or by proxy, on myself or anyone else in O-N brave/stupid enough to voice a different take on the thread topic which fails to conform to "The Science".

That same "Science " of course which guided us all through the previous 3.5 years of pestilence... :-w

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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#716 Post by Dushan » Mon Jul 24, 2023 5:50 pm

Greta gets her due.

Swedish Court Convicts Greta Thunberg For Truck-Blocking Protest

While the fine is not nearly enough, at least she will no longer be able to travel willy-nilly and enter most countries due to her criminal record.
Because they stand on the wall and say "nothing's gonna hurt you tonight, not on my watch".

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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#717 Post by 1DC » Mon Jul 24, 2023 7:30 pm

Allegedly the fine was calculated on her income and she is supposed to have declared an income of £3.75 per day!!

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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#718 Post by barkingmad » Mon Jul 24, 2023 7:41 pm

Dushan wrote:
Mon Jul 24, 2023 5:50 pm
Greta gets her due.

Swedish Court Convicts Greta Thunberg For Truck-Blocking Protest

While the fine is not nearly enough, at least she will no longer be able to travel willy-nilly and enter most countries due to her criminal record.
Aah, but now she’s an honourary PhD, we may expect more emotional outbursts from this post-pubescent child who has been awarded unprecedented publicity and accolades from those who should know better?! ... d9abc4c5a9

Especially as the Emerald Isle*, who have hurtled down the road of Diversity, Inclusion, Equity, Equality, Sustainability and Governance, have now awarded her another “honour” for her efforts at saving the Planet. ... -rejected/

Though I have so far been unable to locate the URL for the video of her protest in Tianemen Square protesting against the forecast burn of fossil fuels by the home country of the CCP… :-?

* I do not have the Emerald Isle’s score in the LBGTQIA+XYZJKL league tables but maybe someone can assist in locating relevant information about this formerly RC country disgraced by it’s clergy and Establishment.

Contributions will be gratefully appreciated, if necessary PM me to assure your privacy from the ‘woke’ Stasi? :-o

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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#719 Post by John Hill » Mon Jul 24, 2023 8:18 pm

barkingmad wrote:
Sun Jul 23, 2023 8:26 pm
Perhaps the O-N membership might like to vote for whichever punishment they would inflict, directly or by proxy, on myself or anyone else in O-N brave/stupid enough to voice a different take on the thread topic which fails to conform to "The Science".
I think a scold's bridle would provide us with some relief.
Been in data comm since we formed the bits individually with a Morse key.

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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#720 Post by barkingmad » Mon Jul 24, 2023 9:56 pm

John Hill wrote:
Mon Jul 24, 2023 8:18 pm
barkingmad wrote:
Sun Jul 23, 2023 8:26 pm
Perhaps the O-N membership might like to vote for whichever punishment they would inflict, directly or by proxy, on myself or anyone else in O-N brave/stupid enough to voice a different take on the thread topic which fails to conform to "The Science".
I think a scold's bridle would provide us with some relief.
This device appears to be designed for 'women', though the definition of this species causes serious comprehension difficulty with western politicians, though not with the Taliban.

"A bridle may be mostly associated with horses. But from at least the 16th century and well into the 19th, the so-called Scold’s Bridle was also used on people. This iron mask, fitted with a gag, was usually strapped onto women accused of gossiping, quarreling, or committing blasphemy".

So maybe an alternative punishment might be appropriate for a hominid with a penis (at the last check)? =))

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