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Starving stray cat

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Re: Starving stray cat

#21 Post by OFSO »

Three am. Wife wakes me, "noise downstairs". Out of bed, indeed yes, and also plaintive miouw miouw. The Black Monster alias Morgan le Fay has negotiated the maze of flaps and tunnel into the cellar and up into the house. First cat to do so for a very long time. Bricks blocking the first cat flap have been moved to one side. Huh!
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Re: Starving stray cat

#22 Post by OFSO »

Black Monster in disgrace. Caught a tiny mouse last night and (eventually) ate it. Sort of. I pointed at the entrails and said "what's that then? " Cat looked off into far distance... 'nothing to do wiv me, guv...i never did nuffin' '
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Re: Starving stray cat

#23 Post by OFSO »

The ticks are back. Tick tock tickety tock. Cat sprayed again. Highly offended.
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Re: Starving stray cat

#24 Post by OFSO »

Rubbing a cat's belly for the first time has one of two consequences: claws and teeth, or roll-on-the-back ecstasy. Morgan le Fay, to my surprise, is in the latter category.
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Re: Starving stray cat

#25 Post by OFSO »

There are occasions on ON nowadays when all I can do is to stick out my tongue....
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Re: Starving stray cat

#26 Post by PHXPhlyer »

Is that your proxy or is it imitation? :-? :ymdevil:

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Re: Starving stray cat

#27 Post by OFSO »

Very useful for affixing postage stamps which need licking - just run 'em past the cat's mouth...
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Re: Starving stray cat

#28 Post by OFSO »

It seems to have been on a yodeling course while we were away, judging by the noise when hungry.
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Re: Starving stray cat

#29 Post by Pinky the pilot »

Sent to me by a former Ops-Normal member. Hope I have copied it correctly.

Rather clever actually. ... 533397195/
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Re: Starving stray cat

#30 Post by OFSO »

During my absences in the UK, the lovely Miss R comes up every second day to feed the cat Morgan le Fay. She puts out the amount of food the cat demands. However the ability of the cat to demand food is immense and now, after being away for three weeks, so is the cat. And the voice of the cat is even louder.
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Re: Starving stray cat

#31 Post by OFSO »

Update: Every two days the lovely Miss R. WhatsApps me from OFSO South, photos of the Cat who was named Morgan Le Fay but has new been renamed BFC or Big Fat Cat. Today the positively rotund cat ran in the house, possibly seeking me..... or even more food.....
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Re: Starving stray cat

#32 Post by OFSO »

After a month away, returned to house. BFC and her much older enemy Blacky, who has also put on weight, turned up to greet me and in the case of BFC tell me she hasn't had any food since I left. Her size, glossy coat etc, not to mention near empty food storage box, tells me it's a lie. Stroking her fur feels very cold: plunging my fingers deep reveals a warm-and well insulated cat under a thick and efficient coat. Also a purring mechanism in good order.
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