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Buying a Smart Phone for the 1st time

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Buying a Smart Phone for the 1st time

#1 Post by ian16th »

If, and that is quite a big if, one takes the technological leap and moves into the world of Smart Phones, just what are the minimum specs one should consider?

There is absolutely no way that I am going to pay silly money for an Apple device or anything similar.

My interest was roused by a local ad for US$44.00 but I expect that once I entered the world of smart phones I'd want to do more things with it, and I'd quickly find limitations at the bottom of the price range.

I await your comment with bated breath.
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Re: Buying a Smart Phone for the 1st time

#2 Post by Sisemen »

Minimum specs are that you should be able to see through them and be able to read.

I'm an iPhone man - so no help!
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Re: Buying a Smart Phone for the 1st time

#3 Post by 500N »

Well Ian, I just made the technological leap.

From a Nokia 95 Slide phone to an iphone 7 :D

Min Specs
It can make calls and has all the bands used by your network and those you go to overseas - if you travel.
It can text easily.

Buy something released in the last year.

Do your research using Google, you tube if you like verbal/visual reviews.

Re: Buying a Smart Phone for the 1st time

#4 Post by Capetonian »

My first smartphone, about a year ago, was a Nokia/Windows job. I was mocked mercilessly for buying something relatively simple, when I could perfectly well have afforded more, but I wanted something simple.
It does fine for me.
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Re: Buying a Smart Phone for the 1st time

#5 Post by Mrs Ex-Ascot »

I must confess that I was somewhat of a ludite when it came to replacing my basic mobile phone last year. Now I am happy to say that I am very pleased with my Samsung galaxy 4 mini; does all ( and probably more )that I want it to, and it is not too big or bulky. It was also not horribly expensive through Amazon. :)

Sent from Botswana using said phone using 3G! ^:)^
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Re: Buying a Smart Phone for the 1st time

#6 Post by 500N »

In addition, always found it best to not buy the lowest / cheapest.
Compare to next 1 - 3 phones up and work out what they DON'T tell you bout the phone you are looking at.
ie The phone you are looking at uses Android KitKat which I think is a cut down version of Android.

BTW, the only reason I went from a "19th century phone" to a 21st C iphone 7 was the deal I got
offered by the Telco here. Too good to pass up otherwise I would have just purchased a cheap version.
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Re: Buying a Smart Phone for the 1st time

#7 Post by OFSO »

Choice is clear: poseurs buy iphone thingeys. Technicians buy Androids. Huawei make some good 'uns. I'd be lost without mine, I have Google cards activated, runs my life for me. Oh no sorry, that's the wife.
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Re: Buying a Smart Phone for the 1st time

#8 Post by ian16th »

OFSO wrote: Huawei make some good 'uns.

'Tis a brand that I am warming to.
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Re: Buying a Smart Phone for the 1st time

#9 Post by Alisoncc »

OFSO wrote:Choice is clear: poseurs buy iphone thingeys. Technicians buy Androids.

Still apply, even if given a redundant iPhone by daughter? Must admit to finding it the most frustrating piece of IT kit I've ever had the misfortune to be encumbered with.

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Re: Buying a Smart Phone for the 1st time

#10 Post by ExSp33db1rd »

I won a Huawei, basic steam-driven cellphone recently, I like it but the control commands are different to my familiar Samsung so gave it to my wife, who doesn't want a cellphone at all, so it is still in it's box on my desk.

( Won it in a Supermarket promotion, first one to run to the Customer Service desk with the answer to the question - how many ounces in a pound ? I needn't have run, I appeared to have been the only customer with the answer )
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