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Where did I go wrong as Leader?

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Where did I go wrong as Leader?

#1 Post by OFSO »

Dear Agony Aunt: where did I go wrong as leader ? In order to get elected I had to stop that nasty Farage chappy with his silly "Leave the EU" talk, so I promised the voters that I would hold a Referendum. I did everything i could to persuade them to vote the right way, i.e. remain, lying through my teeth about every aspect of staying or leaving, using threats and carrots on stick. I went to my masters in Brussels and negotiated a wonderful deal, with a rock-solid promise (they said) that later in the year I would get everything I asked for. I even got the Leader of the Opposition (whose name escapes me) to dither and procrastinate and support me. And now here we are, the morning after, and the ungrateful b*stards went aganst me.

Where did I go wrong ?

P.S. Dear Boris: you will have to deal with President Trump next year. We all know he's right about stopping Moslem immigrants, but try to remember we already have three million (or something) living in the UK, and they can also vote in elections. Well, the men can, anyway.... Best of luck !

Re: Where did I go wrong as Leader?

#2 Post by Capetonian »

Where did I go right as leader?
By stepping down. Honourable, for a politician.
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Re: Where did I go wrong as Leader?

#3 Post by probes »

Dear Leader,
you must have done everything right, as that's what everybody in politics does.
Beats me why it didn't work this time.
Agonized Aunt

Re: Where did I go wrong as Leader?

#4 Post by Sisemen »

"The people have spoken; the bastards!"
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Re: Where did I go wrong as Leader?

#5 Post by Flame Lily FX »

Dear Scum

'Somebody said in the past couple of weeks that this was a referendum between the winners and losers of globalisation.

Of all the points raised I think that is the most compelling one. Hopefully some day our societies in western Europe will start discussing the elephant in the room: unregulated neoliberalism and the growth in inequality between the rich and the rest of society.

For too long the poor in western societies have been sacrificed by the business elite and their politicians who love immigration because the newcomers keep their costs down by competing with the native poor. It's no wonder so many people in Britain are opposed to immigration on economic grounds: their section of society, as in Ireland, France and elsewhere, is the section that is immediately challenged by immigration. The people in nice, cushy jobs that take years of networking and qualifications to secure are not threatened by immigration. There's no honesty about this. It's much easier for the media and political elite to call the people who oppose that excessive immigration "racists" than to be honest about what's happening to their economic position.'

Suck it up, buttercup! :O3

PS: Would you like to be my friend on Facefook?


Nasty Bitch bent over the kitchen sink!
I could see that, if not actually disgruntled, he was far from being gruntled.
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Re: Where did I go wrong as Leader?

#6 Post by OFSO »

Dear Leader: is it true that you are contemplating a return to politics ? Appearing on wings of light in the House of Commons, lowered on wires from the ceiling to save us all, or in red makeup in a cloud of sulphuric gas through a trapdoor to blast the Speaker into smithereens...
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Re: Where did I go wrong as Leader?

#7 Post by barkingmad »

Keep up the good work, ladies and good luck!

Did first female-majority legislature in US make a difference?

Now there’s no need to waste time doing makeup, powerdressing and dreading sexual harassment and lewd looks at work?

But won’t it get boring after the novelty has worn off.....?
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Re: Where did I go wrong as Leader?

#8 Post by Pontius Navigator »

barkingmad wrote:
Thu Mar 05, 2020 8:00 am

Now there’s no need to waste time doing makeup, powerdressing and dreading sexual harassment and lewd looks at work?
You surely jest. What happens when two women arrive wearing the same dress? Does your wife spend hours doing her make up before going out? If she doesn't wear it at home she isn't doing it for you. Ditto jeans and sweater at home, glam kit going out.

You sure about sexual harassment? Ask Maryanne, oh forgot, she's banned.
And it won't be lewd looks but every other sort.

Remember when Billary came 'out' foreswore make up and looked her real self! Didn't last long. ... bm=isch&q=
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Re: Where did I go wrong as Leader?

#9 Post by Boac »

PN wrote:You sure about sexual harassment? Ask Maryanne
What does that mean, PN? Do you know more than the rest of us about this poster?
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Re: Where did I go wrong as Leader?

#10 Post by Pontius Navigator »

BOAC, in her first post she said she was a lesbian, it was later deleted, so it was snide comment, out but not out.
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Re: Where did I go wrong as Leader?

#11 Post by Boac »

I know, but I cannot see a 'snide comment' or 'sexual harrassment' there?
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Re: Where did I go wrong as Leader?

#12 Post by barkingmad »

P N, you fell over my carefully positioned tripwire so I hope the alarm caused by the thunderflashes didn’t shock you too much?

As part of my ongoing studies of the female of the species it became apparent many years ago that all the pre-departure faff in front of the mirror and the removal/replacement of wardrobe items was nothing whatsoever to do with impressing or gawd forbid attracting the male. The full panoply of apparel and makeup is there to impress the other females as they are the ultimate bitchwitches when it comes to comparing appearances.

Modern writers on the mating behaviour acknowledge the average male will look at the well-dressed woman with good makeup, think briefly “That’s naice” ( as per Mrs Brown’s Boys pronunciation) and will then mentally proceed to remove the clothing!

Referring to the work environment our unfortunate ally Jordan Peterson stopped many screeching harpies dead in their tracks during discussions on the #Metoo fad by querying why the female wears provocative revealing clothing and lipstick to a place of work and then complains if a male admires or looks for longer than 3 seconds of time or steps gaily into the minefield by asking her for a date.

Hence my earnest hope that the all-female office environment will no longer have an excuse to whinge ad nauseam about (white) male privilege, dominance and patriarchy and they’ll either stand or fall due to their own talents or shortcomings

P S. Despite my obvious cynicism I still lurve the female humanoids and the world would be a duller place without them!
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Re: Where did I go wrong as Leader?

#13 Post by Pontius Navigator »

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Re: Where did I go wrong as Leader?

#14 Post by OFSO »

On the list of things that interest me about a person, their sexual orientation rates so low you could not see my interest with an electron microscope.

OTOH in persons purporting to be political leaders there are more factors interesting me than I can describe. Except their sexual orientation.

I disliked Edward Heath because he was an arrogant spiteful old grump, not because he was a raging poof.
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Re: Where did I go wrong as Leader?

#15 Post by barkingmad »

How many times are our eardrums assailed by the identity politics of interviewees who open their statements by saying “Speaking as a ********** ******** ********* ( insert your own minority, ethnic, sexual proclivity group etc as appropriate)” ? ?

Does stating your irrelevant background make any significant difference to the garbage you’re about to utter?

“Speaking as an astrophysicist I understand black holes are .......”. Valid information.
“Speaking as a mixed race lesbian, I understand black holes are....”. Invalid and unnecessary info which will cause me to mute the media source or to select another source. Accidental double entendre in my choice of speaker # 2! !

Regarding Edward Heath, what he did aboard Morning Cloud in the privacy of his cabin was his affair, but blatantly lying to the UK electorate re our entry into the EEC which he subsequently described as a vote for the EU was unforgivable. And even worse, the Paxmans and other political affairs attack dogs failed repeatedly to call him and others out over that blatant historical lie!

Speaking as a ......... (continued on page 94)
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Re: Where did I go wrong as Leader?

#16 Post by TheGreenGoblin »

Where did I go wrong as a leader...!

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Re: Where did I go wrong as Leader?

#17 Post by TheGreenGoblin »

Moberg was more of a leader...

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