HM Queen Elizabeth

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Re: HM Queen Elizabeth

#161 Post by VP959 » Tue Sep 20, 2022 10:52 am

The King could do worse than look at the Netherlands Royal Family. Always seemed to me that the Dutch have managed to retain a monarchy that is very in touch with ordinary people. I remember bumping into Queen Beatrix, out riding a bike, many years ago. Had my NATO colleague not remarked that she was his Queen I'd never have noticed.

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Re: HM Queen Elizabeth

#162 Post by G-CPTN » Tue Sep 20, 2022 11:36 am

250.000 at first count.

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Re: HM Queen Elizabeth

#163 Post by Ex-Ascot » Tue Sep 20, 2022 2:11 pm

limeygal wrote:
Tue Sep 20, 2022 10:00 am
As to the future, I too think that CIII will do some "thinning" out of the hangers-on. He was hinting at it long before the Queen's demise. Monarchy does need to move with the times, and hopefully he can pull it off while maintaining the things we saw yesterday.
Well he can start with Ginge and Nutmeg. Strip them of everything.

I see more viewed Churchill because security wasn't so strict.

This Morning host is in floods of tears about being criticised about skipping the queue with her woofter mate. She claims that they just went straight to the press box and didn't even get onto the carpet with the mourners. Bull Dung. There is clear footage of them on the carpet busting the queue.
'Yes, Madam, I am drunk, but in the morning I shall be sober and you will still be ugly.' Sir Winston Churchill.

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Re: HM Queen Elizabeth

#164 Post by VP959 » Tue Sep 20, 2022 2:53 pm

Ex-Ascot wrote:
Tue Sep 20, 2022 2:11 pm
Well he can start with Ginge and Nutmeg. Strip them of everything.
Already voluntarily given everything up, AFAIK. Stopped getting any taxpayer funds from the moment he walked away from royal duties a year or two ago. His decision, I understand.

TBH I can understand why. I've watched people born into obligation fall apart at the seams because they cannot do as you or I would, and choose their own destiny. The funeral where I was a pall bearer was someone that died after decades of severe mental illness bought on by inheriting responsibilities that he was wholly unable to shoulder. Lived his whole life in misery, because his family gave him no other choice at the time.

Also, the reality is a million miles away from the media portrayal - 99.99% of the crap is a media invention because the media love something juicy to splash across the headlines. The stupidity comes from the pair of them reacting to the media and trying to sue them for printing stuff that's untrue. By doing this they've played directly into the hands of the tabloids. Should have learned from his grandmother, she never responded to the media, not even during the turmoil surrounding her son's infidelity and the subsequent divorce and death of Princess Diana.

Mind you, Prince Harry is not the brightest. My wife got to know him reasonably well and her view is summed up by the phrase "very nice guy, but a bit dim and wholly lacking in common sense". His wife's no brighter and hasn't got two brain cells to rub together when it comes to dealing with the media. Odd, given that she had a fair bit of media attention as an actress. I can understand how she felt, though. I've endured the same constant criticism and exclusion from all family stuff for 40 years, just because I'm a humble commoner. It still pisses me off now, although I've grown a thick enough skin about it to not let it really get to me.

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Re: HM Queen Elizabeth

#165 Post by G-CPTN » Tue Sep 20, 2022 4:21 pm

After the controversy surrounding CIII announcing expected redundancies at Clarence House, what about the household staff who directly served HM the Queen?

Of course CIII will, presumably, move into the spaces vacated by Elizabeth, but what is expected to become of (such as) Tall Paul?

Worrying times?

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Re: HM Queen Elizabeth

#166 Post by VP959 » Tue Sep 20, 2022 5:41 pm

TBH, whilst I feel very sorry for all the loyal staff that may well be out of a job, the whole hereditary system, from the royal family down, needs some serious root and branch reform. I may have related this tale before here (or on TOP) but shortly before we got married my fiance's uncle telephoned me, to ask about a wedding gift. We had put together a list and circulated it, and one of his household had given him a copy (he was then a peer, sitting in the HoL). He started the conversation by saying that he thought the idea of a gift list was" wonderfully progressive" (this was in the mid-80's) and then went on to say that he wanted to give us a "decent gift". I was unsure how to guide him, but he then asked a very odd question, obviously reading from the list. He asked me what exactly a washing machine was. I explained, as best I could. His reply has stuck with me for the best part of 40 years, "Don't you have a woman to do that?".

The Lord had absolutely no idea that washing machines existed, or that everyday folk used them to clean their clothing etc. In his world things just disappeared when they needed cleaning and magically reappeared clean and ironed, with no need for any intervention on his part. He was a nice enough old duffer, and if I'm honest far less up his own posterior than some of the more junior members of the family. He was still breathtakingly out of touch with the real world, though, as, I very strongly suspect, are a large number of the hereditary ruling class. I met him at the HoL a few times, when I was working in town, and he was great fun, but as mad as a box of frogs. The tabloids could have had a field day had he ever spoken with them, but his staff kept them at arm's length.

His death caused another controversy that could only happen in the rarefied world of the hereditary ruling class. His sister and his son fell out over the funeral arrangements. The sister was adamant that he should be "buried" in the family vault at the castle, his son (and heir to the title) insisted that his father's wish had been to be cremated and have his ashes scattered in a woodland on the estate. There was a legal battle that went on for around a year (during which time he was stored in a fridge), and the outcome was that the courts determined that he should go in the vault with the 900 odd years worth of his ancestors. Parts of the family still don't talk with each other today over this rift. Not as bad as the rift in around 1480, though, where one side of the family had members of the other side hung, drawn and quartered over an argument over a marriage . . .

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Re: HM Queen Elizabeth

#167 Post by OFSO » Tue Sep 20, 2022 6:04 pm

Yes, they live by different rules.

Catalan TV news covering our Queen's funeral informed viewers that by Spanish protocol the Kings of Spain and the Emeritus Kings of Spain (Kings, as in Spanish both King and Queen are referred to by the main gender, plural) could not appear in the same photograph and were thus separated at the funeral events.

The Emeritus King of Spain was brought back from his refuge in the Middle East recently to test Public Opinion as to Rehabilitation, but it didn't go well* and he was Hurridly flown back to the Sheikdom.

* I have no idea how Public Opinion was measured. Sharp intake of breath, probably.

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Re: HM Queen Elizabeth

#168 Post by FD2 » Tue Sep 20, 2022 9:56 pm

A little background to the gun carriage procedure.

We are pleased to read in the newspapers that the gun carriage carrying the coffin of Queen Elizabeth II at the state funeral procession on Monday 19 September will be hauled by Royal Navy sailors.

Most news reports correctly state that the tradition dates back to Queen Victoria’s funeral on 2 February 1901. However, they fail to mention the Great Western Railway’s role in supplying the ropes for the sailors to rig to the gun carriage on the occasion. This drawing of the bluejackets hauling the Queen’s coffin that day was published in the Penny Illustrated Paper on 9 February 1901, with the ropes clearly visible.

On 2 February 1901 the weather was extremely cold and the hawsers for the gun carriage to be used for the procession from Windsor railway station to the Castle had frozen. The horses intended to pull the gun carriage were also affected by the intense cold and had become restive and possibly dangerous during the wait for the delayed funeral train to arrive. It was at this point that the GWR played its essential part in what has become a tradition for subsequent state funerals.

The Duke of Portland, who was Master of the Horse at Queen Victoria’s funeral, recalled what happened in a letter published in The Times on 28 January 1936 at the time of King George V’s funeral: “Owing to the lateness of the train which conveyed Her Majesty’s coffin from Paddington to Windsor the horses attached to the gun-carriage had become cold.

When the word of command ‘Walk …March’ was given, the leaders twice reared up, and then fell back on the other horses, which caused all six to fall down. “My recollection is that Admiral Sir Michael Culme-Seymour was in command of the large Naval Guard of Honour drawn up on the spot. As soon as Sir Michael saw what had occurred he called out to me in his usual resonant voice, ‘All right, my boys will soon straighten out this mess.’ He at once ordered them to go into the station and the station master procured ropes (from the communication cords of carriages).

Sir Michael then ordered them to fall in and draw the gun-carriage from the station to the entrance to the Castle grounds at the end of the Long Walk and up the slope. It was a most touching and effective procession and, in my opinion, much more impressive than would have been the official procedure.” Thus with inspired improvisation and the help of the GWR, began the tradition which the Royal Navy has claimed ever since of hauling the coffin at funerals of the monarch. The ropes on the carriages were the external communication cords to alert the guard in an emergency.

Our brake 3rd carriage No 416, built in 1891, still carries this system, so remember to take a look at it next time you visit Didcot Railway Centre.

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Re: HM Queen Elizabeth

#169 Post by ExSp33db1rd » Wed Sep 21, 2022 12:13 am

.... I hope the outpouring of love and respect for the Queen has kicked the "let's get rid of the Monarchy" mob to the curb.
Only for a short while I think, out of fear of presently being accused of disrespect, and so losing support, but with her out of the way I think they will eventually return with renewed vigour. Sadly. Send them to the Tower. Off with their heads.

A lot of the Monarchy's strength came from being protected by a degree of the unknown, Social Media has changed all that, rightly or wrongly.

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Re: HM Queen Elizabeth

#170 Post by G-CPTN » Wed Sep 21, 2022 12:45 am

ExSp33db1rd wrote:
Wed Sep 21, 2022 12:13 am
A lot of the Monarchy's strength came from being protected by a degree of the unknown, Social Media has changed all that, rightly or wrongly.
Fuelled by the antics of Nutmeg and, earlier, Andrew.

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Re: HM Queen Elizabeth

#171 Post by VP959 » Wed Sep 21, 2022 7:30 am

G-CPTN wrote:
Wed Sep 21, 2022 12:45 am
ExSp33db1rd wrote:
Wed Sep 21, 2022 12:13 am
A lot of the Monarchy's strength came from being protected by a degree of the unknown, Social Media has changed all that, rightly or wrongly.
Fuelled by the antics of Nutmeg and, earlier, Andrew.
Not to mention the antics of the former Prince of Wales, who became King Edward VII. He would screw anything with a pulse, even had a special chair made so he could continue doing this when be became grossly overweight. Be interesting to see what social media made of his behaviour, had it been around at the time. Equally, had social media been around when our present King was engaged in that infamous three way marriage I dare say he may not have survived the scandal. As it was, all we had were a couple of TV interviews,

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Re: HM Queen Elizabeth

#172 Post by limeygal » Wed Sep 21, 2022 9:22 am

FD2-Thanks for the gun carriage info-very interesting :-bd
G-CPTN-thanks for the numbers. I imagine it will end up being a bit more :-bd

I agree about the media. They are supposed to report the news not make it up. Nonsense over here about G&W being "snubbed" with regard to the seating at the funeral. Everyone was following protocol. This wasn't a potluck dinner where you could drag an extra chair over, willy-nilly. Unfortunately, the media has no idea what the "rules" are and find "slights" where there are none. The whole event was beautifully done and flawless. It was classy with lovely personal touches. A wonderful tribute to a lovely lady.

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Re: HM Queen Elizabeth

#173 Post by Wodrick » Wed Sep 21, 2022 9:36 am

Hear Hear

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Re: HM Queen Elizabeth

#174 Post by Ex-Ascot » Wed Sep 21, 2022 10:05 am

Wodrick wrote:
Wed Sep 21, 2022 9:36 am
Hear Hear
'Yes, Madam, I am drunk, but in the morning I shall be sober and you will still be ugly.' Sir Winston Churchill.

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Re: HM Queen Elizabeth

#175 Post by OFSO » Wed Sep 21, 2022 10:18 am

Absolutely. Media have no idea. So ignorant. Anyway went off perfectly. A great tribute to a wonderful person.

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Re: HM Queen Elizabeth

#176 Post by VP959 » Wed Sep 21, 2022 10:21 am

Our problem with the media is greed. They are all competing with each other to grab a headline every 30 seconds. This means they just make stuff up if there is nothing to report, as they have to fill the vacuum, so that people keep clicking on their sites.

Didn't used to be like this, before we had 24 hour "news" and relied on daily newspapers and a couple of TV news broadcasts per day, but the media have now created a monster that demands to be fed with new content all the time. No idea how much of the "news" is made up, but do know, from my own unfortunate time appearing in a double page spread in the Mail that almost all of it is fabricated. They take a small snippet of gossip and transform it into a headline story, with no regard for the impact that has on the people they are talking nonsense about. Interesting to read this morning that one of the most evil fake news predators is still publishing content about his victims, despite being jailed for doing so. Seems the courts are powerless to stop it.

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Re: HM Queen Elizabeth

#177 Post by FD2 » Wed Sep 21, 2022 10:53 am

VP959 wrote:
Wed Sep 21, 2022 10:21 am
Our problem with the media is greed. They are all competing with each other to grab a headline every 30 seconds. This means they just make stuff up if there is nothing to report, as they have to fill the vacuum, so that people keep clicking on their sites.

Didn't used to be like this, before we had 24 hour "news" and relied on daily newspapers and a couple of TV news broadcasts per day, but the media have now created a monster that demands to be fed with new content all the time. No idea how much of the "news" is made up, but do know, from my own unfortunate time appearing in a double page spread in the Mail that almost all of it is fabricated. They take a small snippet of gossip and transform it into a headline story, with no regard for the impact that has on the people they are talking nonsense about. Interesting to read this morning that one of the most evil fake news predators is still publishing content about his victims, despite being jailed for doing so. Seems the courts are powerless to stop it.
Plus 1

Whenever I've been the subject of or connected to a 'newsworthy' event it has been written up inaccurately and often sections were completely incorrect. It's not just the red tops either.

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Re: HM Queen Elizabeth

#178 Post by Ex-Ascot » Wed Sep 21, 2022 12:01 pm

HMQ's humour.

'Yes, Madam, I am drunk, but in the morning I shall be sober and you will still be ugly.' Sir Winston Churchill.

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Re: HM Queen Elizabeth

#179 Post by llondel » Wed Sep 21, 2022 3:07 pm

I missed the funeral so I watched the highlights on Maj of the Day.

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Re: HM Queen Elizabeth

#180 Post by G-CPTN » Wed Sep 21, 2022 6:53 pm

G-CPTN wrote:
Tue Sep 20, 2022 4:21 pm
After the controversy surrounding CIII announcing expected redundancies at Clarence House, what about the household staff who directly served HM the Queen?

Of course CIII will, presumably, move into the spaces vacated by Elizabeth, but what is expected to become of (such as) Tall Paul?

Worrying times?
King Charles III will have an impact on their jobs.

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