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Spooky story

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2022 7:33 pm
In 1995 we had our first cat, a beautiful silver point tabby we called Tiddles. Tiddles had four kittens before we had her spayed. The two which looked like her we gave to Crystal Turner, the daughter of a friend, who then lived behind Sharon. That was 27 years ago.

Last Friday our friend Sharon rescued a little lost cat, took it home, then the vet chipped and vaccinated it. The cat is the spitting image of our Tiddles, same spotted fur (we compared photographs). And when it came to name the new cat, as Sharon held it, the name Crystal popped into her mind.

Vet issued cat passport in name of Crystal C....

Re: Spooky story

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2022 1:01 pm
Stray, now in new home, Crystal. Spitting image of our Tiddles, disappeared 1996.
A very calm and self-posessed young lady.

Re: Spooky story

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2022 2:24 pm
by Mrs Ex-Ascot
What a beauty. Needs to grow into her ears. :) :x

Re: Spooky story

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2022 8:55 pm
I just strolled down to Teddington station and back before going to bed. On the platform sat a well-fed grey and white cat, only one eye, nice collar. Came and sat with me, paws on my leg, then got down again. Didn't move when the train came in a few feet away, passengers walking around it. Obviously a regular train spotter!

Re: Spooky story

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2022 2:07 am
by llondel
OFSO wrote:
Tue Nov 01, 2022 8:55 pm
I just strolled down to Teddington station and back before going to bed. On the platform sat a well-fed grey and white cat, only one eye, nice collar. Came and sat with me, paws on my leg, then got down again. Didn't move when the train came in a few feet away, passengers walking around it. Obviously a regular train spotter!
It presumably knew that it wasn't the the train it wanted to catch.

Re: Spooky story

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2022 3:19 pm
Nice little story for you. (From Sharon, white witch and animal healer).
A grey striped cat has been visiting me the last 2 weeks. Not seen it around here before and I know all the local kittys. It was hungry and hung out with my 3 in the garden. I started the think maybe it was lost. Looked on pro cat website. Nothing. I mentioned it to (Daughter) and she had a look at it. Then she said omg I remember in summer a woman put posters all along the shops cause she’d lost her cat. It looks like it. She text her to ask if she ever found it. The answer was no so D sent her a photo and the woman replied I think it’s him where are you I’m coming now. She arrived here within minutes and called him. He started meowing and she picked him up. Wouldn’t let us near him. Then she said I’m sure it’s him but he’s so fat it can’t be him. I asked if he was chipped and she said yes so I loaned her my cat box and said ok go now to vets and see if the chip corresponds. If not bring him back and let him go again. Off she went with D and cat in car. Minutes later they returned …… D told me they scanned for chip at vets and number came up. She searched through her phone for info of cat chip then burst into tears. It was her cat.!!! D was also in tears plus the vet receptionist and people in waiting room. She had been looking every day for her cat since July!! 5 months ago he went missing. She said she went out every evening with her boyfriend on their bicycles looking. She even went to see dead cats that been run over in case it was hers. Procat always kept her informed if they got any info on grey striped cats. So finally he is back home for Christmas with his mum and dad. Bless him. I’d love to know what adventures he’s been on during the last 5 months. Somehow they all end up finding me. I’m sure there is a secret code amongst cats in our town. If lost go to Sharon at no 68 she will help you haha. This is the 2nd cat we have found and reunited after months of being lost.

Re: Spooky story

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2022 4:19 pm
by PHXPhlyer
NextDoor website and app here emails daily assortment of posts. Many are for lost or found cats and dogs with an assortment of rants and reports of thefts, vandalism, people behaving badly, etc.
It is always heartwarming when the missing are reunited with their humans.


Re: Spooky story

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2022 5:15 pm
by Karearea
What a happy story, OFSO! :-bd