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For doggy people, of whom there are many here.

Pets of all persuasions.
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Re: For doggy people, of whom there are many here.

#41 Post by Pontius Navigator »

Absolutely. One dog we had was so steady I used to have to mow around her when cutting the lawn. Current dog does not like lawn mowers but is otherwise immovable. When walking on a narrow path I often have to walk over her.
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Re: For doggy people, of whom there are many here.

#42 Post by PHXPhlyer »

The big dog lies across the corner of the hallway and demands a belly rub tribute before allowing passage.

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Re: For doggy people, of whom there are many here.

#43 Post by Hydromet »

My old Lab x Kelpie used to follow at my heels wherever I went, even when I mowed the lawn.

D1 has two Newfies, one 7 years old and the other just a year. They trained the older one to ring a door bell when she wants to come in. The youngster has learned from the older one.
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Re: For doggy people, of whom there are many here.

#44 Post by Pontius Navigator »

Hydromet, lol. Our daughter's German Shepherd doesn't ring the door bell, he simply opens the door. His paws are the size of hands and by observation he has learnt to depress the handle and pull or push. Lack of thumbs means he can't turn a key or a knob.
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Re: For doggy people, of whom there are many here.

#45 Post by Alisoncc »

Rev Mother Bene Gesserit.

Sent from my PDP11/05 running RSX-11D via an ASR33 (TTY)
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Re: For doggy people, of whom there are many here.

#46 Post by TheGreenGoblin »

Blessed be the Mutts...

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Though you remain
"To be alive
You must have somewhere
To go
Your destination remains
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Re: For doggy people, of whom there are many here.

#47 Post by G~Man »

I was just digging out pics for a friend of mine..... These were my "Dugs" when I lived in Scotland in a former life:

And yes, I had all 3 setters at once, "Irish", "English" and working "Gordon", what the hell was I thinking :| :| :D :D
And later I just had a "show strain Gordon":
B-) Life may not be the party you hoped for, but while you're here, you may as well dance. B-)
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Re: For doggy people, of whom there are many here.

#48 Post by llondel »

Faraday did some FastCAT this weekend. Notice how sleek and lacking in fluff she is (especially the tail and hindquarters), it all fell out after having puppies and needs to grow back.
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Re: For doggy people, of whom there are many here.

#49 Post by OFSO »


(Wonder if anyone noticed the difference?)
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