While the EU smoulders....

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While the EU smoulders....

#1 Post by OFSO » Sun Feb 05, 2017 6:02 pm

...Madrid continues to prosecute those responsible for holding a 'Consultation' in September 2014 over the subject of Catalan independence - the term 'Consultation' was carefully chosen since the word is legal, whereas a 'Referendum' is illegal under the Spanish Constitution.

So how will the accused, former President of the Generalitat, Artur Mas, and directors Joana Ortega and Irene Rigau. face trial starting Monday in Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia (TSJC).

The three former members of the government gave a press conference at the Museum of History of Catalonia on Sunday.

The first to speak was Mas, who said that he will appear in court tomorrow "very calm" and will not "apologize for anything" because they did "what people want." "We did what we had to do and I'd do. We will declare with face very high, "he underlined.

In fact, he admitted that his biggest concern facing the trial "is knowing enough to defend the dignity of the "Consultation" and the hope and the dignity of all the people who participated." "None of us feel guilty of anything, we are responsible for living up to the demands to which we put the country," he said. With serenity, firmness and determination to defend the spirit of 9-N and its performance in the query.

The Parliamentary leader predicted that "what may happen tomorrow will accelerate the base sovereignty of the country, so that more people are convinced of the need to defend the right to decide. Then we'll see in what direction we decide. "

The former head of government reiterated that he is "the politician most concerned.

Mass made clear that he is not only calm but also "firm and we will defend" to the last consequences. He finally said that if "the Spanish government will go to court this disqualifies them as Europeans" because they can not allow the polls to end up being considered a crime.

The government of former Vice Joana Ortega, visibly excited during his speech, he argued that they have clearly not "committed any crime" but acknowledged that the situation in which they are is "not at all pleasant." That's why he thanked the "warmth" and the support they are getting these days. He also has dedicated words of thanks to his team during the Consultation, the thousands of volunteers who made possible the Consultation and the millions of people who participated. He also thanked Mas "to trust me to to believe in my commitment and your courage and rigor."

Ortega considered that "tomorrow will finish judging the mood of the Consultation because it can not be understood without enthusiasm, participation and community spirit of the people."

Finally, former councilor of Education Irene Rigau stressed that the trial "is with the feeling to advance together."

Rigau said that it is "difficult to understand" that Madrid wants to "separate the public exercise" for having worked for a "noble goal" as direct democracy made possible and be loyal to commitments. "It is judging a mandate of the Parliament," he reported.

The former President of the Generalitat Artur Mas has refused to reveal what will be the strategy of the defense, but said it will be coordinated. "All I can say is that we have prepared together with our lawyers."

So once again the Prime Minister of Spain presses ahead to make criminals of Catalan leaders for daring to ask Catalan citizens what they want.

Is democracy alive in Spain ? You must be joking.

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