The Trump Hamster Wheel

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The Trump Hamster Wheel

#1 Post by Boac » Tue Aug 02, 2016 7:20 am

I have looked everywhere and to my surprise cannot see a dedicated 'Trump' thread, so here it is. This is a crucial time for him as he struggles to 'normalise' his persona and claw back from his extremes to make himself electable.

I'll kick it off by asking those Trump 'supporters' here how they view his attack on the Muslim mother of a Muslim army Captain (Khan) who died in US service in Iraq, and whether they think Khan's father had justification for his comments at the DPC? Do you think that the Khan family should have been prevented from entering the US in the first place?

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Re: The Trump Hamster Wheel

#2 Post by unifoxos » Tue Aug 02, 2016 7:23 am

I'll kick it off by asking those Trump 'supporters' here how they can support, without laughing, someone whose surname is a euphimism for fart.
Sent from my tatty old Windoze PC.

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Re: The Trump Hamster Wheel

#3 Post by 500N » Tue Aug 02, 2016 8:14 am

I agree with some of what Trump says but he is wrong on the parents of the Capt.

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Re: The Trump Hamster Wheel

#4 Post by Boac » Tue Aug 02, 2016 8:21 am

Thus is he also wrong on the many other Muslims who are working or serving in the US?

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Re: The Trump Hamster Wheel

#5 Post by 500N » Tue Aug 02, 2016 8:39 am

Boac wrote:Thus is he also wrong on the many other Muslims who are working or serving in the US?

I only addressed the one issue but yes, generally, those that integrate and don't work against the ideals
of the country they live in / moved to.

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Re: The Trump Hamster Wheel

#6 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana » Tue Aug 02, 2016 10:42 am

Khan's father's law firm has worked for the Clintons and represents Saudi Arabia.
Khan's father is trying to use his son's memory for dishonest political ends.
He misquoted Trump, he misquoted the Constitution. He's an attorney; this wasn't accidental. Hillary's a lawyer, she knows this too.
It's a Straw Man argument, and a pretty facile one. That none of the MSM point this out tells you all you need to know about bias in the media these days.
And Hillary did vote to invade Iraq, leading to Khan's death, and then did vote to leave Iraq.

Trump stated quite clearly that any restrictions would be on non-citizens, for security reasons, and made it clear that this was due to failings at the state department (and whose state department would that be? ;) ), not on any presumed guilt of muslims in general.

Since 2001, 14 muslims have died in US military Service, and 15 non-muslim US servicemen have been murdered by jihadi muslim servicemen.

Khan's father works to help clients with the E-2 and EB-5 programs that let overseas investors buy into U.S. companies and also provides green cards for family members.
“The E-2 and EB-5 are two of the most notoriously abused visa categories that essentially allow wealthy foreigners to buy their way to U.S. residency, and possibly citizenship, with a relatively modest investment,” said Jessica Vaughan, the policy director for the Center for Immigration Studies.

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Re: The Trump Hamster Wheel

#7 Post by rgbrock1 » Tue Aug 02, 2016 11:26 am

Well written, Fox3. In addition to what you wrote, something else that needs to be pointed out - which of course the Left-Media and MSM won't, is that Khan's father also is a huge benefactor to the notorious Clinton Foundation. (Currently under investigation by the IRS)

Having said that, I do believe Trump went "above and beyond" in his criticism of the Army Captain's father and mother. There should be no room for this type of verbal abuse in ANY candidate's campaign. I whole-heartedly disagree with Trump on this one and he needs to start toning down his rhetoric. Otherwise, come November, sHillary might well become POTUS. (And we don't want that, seeing the traitor to the Constitution that she is.)
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Re: The Trump Hamster Wheel

#8 Post by MoreAviation » Tue Aug 02, 2016 11:32 am

Read a pretty good article about our narcissistic friend Trump on warisboring....

Makes a cogent case for similarities between Putin and Trump's modus operandi...!

Donald Trump has Americanised Putin's War on Truth


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Re: The Trump Hamster Wheel

#9 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana » Tue Aug 02, 2016 11:33 am

Is there ANYONE who isn't "under investigation by the IRS"? ;)

Is this why the IRS has spent over $10m on guns and ammo recently, why the US Government bought 3 billion rounds of ammo a couple of years back, and why 200,000 non-uniform Government officials are now licensed to carry arms? That's triple the numbers of 20 years ago, and now means the number of 'suits' armed is bigger than the USMC (182,000). The democrats are anti-gun, right? Or just anti-your-gun?

p.s. could I have a link to what Trump actually said? Thanks.

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Re: The Trump Hamster Wheel

#10 Post by BackToAllNightLights » Tue Aug 02, 2016 1:31 pm

The honorable serviceman's actions stand on their own.
The mother and father riding his coat tails for political publicity gain, possibly incitement, reasons are highly questionable if not dishonorable.
Trump in his usual style did not handle the situation well. Mouth before brain type of thing.
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Re: The Trump Hamster Wheel

#11 Post by rgbrock1 » Tue Aug 02, 2016 1:46 pm

BackToAllNightLights wrote:The honorable serviceman's actions stand on their own.
The mother and father riding his coat tails for political publicity gain, possibly incitement, reasons are highly questionable if not dishonorable.
Trump in his usual style did not handle the situation well. Mouth before brain type of thing.

Well stated sir, well stated indeed.
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Re: The Trump Hamster Wheel

#12 Post by obgraham » Tue Aug 02, 2016 4:16 pm

Open letter

Sums it up well. Yes it is an opinion site, but read what he actually says.

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Re: The Trump Hamster Wheel

#13 Post by Boac » Tue Aug 02, 2016 4:53 pm

Trump in his usual style did not handle the situation well. Mouth before brain type of thing.
This is the big problem. Whilst I have no wish to see HC as POTUS, I dread a POTUS who is of the 'open mouth and forget to engage brain' division which will do the US absolutely no good at all.

Forget whatever motives the Khan family and HC may have had in this event - that is politics - it succeeded and showed Trump for what he is and I think has damaged his prospects significantly.

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Re: The Trump Hamster Wheel

#14 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana » Tue Aug 02, 2016 5:11 pm

Sharia is completely in opposition to the UNDHR, not just the US Constitution.
Furthermore, the failure to defend its citizens renders any Government philosophically illegitimate, under any concept of Government.
The "You just have to accept terrorism" argument, espoused by Hollande among others, has a one word answer. Or an answer with a lot of words, most of them having four letters. I think Hollande needs to re-read his own Nation's history, starting around 227 years ago. Hillary should start 240 years ago.

Can someone actually point me to what Trump said, verbatim, because after half an hour of searching I can't find anywhere, critical or not, that actually tells me this. I can read two tweets which obviously aren't the main source of the issue. More importantly, WHY can't I find what is being so strongly criticized actually quoted?

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Re: The Trump Hamster Wheel

#15 Post by A Lutra Continua » Tue Aug 02, 2016 5:18 pm

Trump will surround himself with advisors who will keep him more or less on the straight and narrow. Clinton's ego won't allow her to take any advice and she'll forge ahead despite warnings received, continuing to cock up while imagining she's infallible, digging the hole deeper and deeper as she's already shown in other govt roles. IMO the Hildebeest is highly dangerous, far more so than Trump.

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Re: The Trump Hamster Wheel

#16 Post by obgraham » Tue Aug 02, 2016 5:41 pm

Look, this whole election comes down to one thing. We have two candidates, both out-and-out sociopaths.

We have to choose: One talks his stream of consciousness through his kiester, but has a life history of getting things done, though in an egocentric manner. The other has a 30+ year history of consistent political lying and devious activity leading to a well organized bribery scheme.

I have to choose which one has the least chance of harming the country.

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Re: The Trump Hamster Wheel

#17 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana » Tue Aug 02, 2016 7:12 pm

Excellent summary!
Best of luck with it.

My deciding factor would be Benghazi. Totally hopeless. She'll carry on the Obama "Red Line then Do Nothing" approach, and that is just getting you deeper in the mire. When push comes to shove, Hillary will look after one person only, herself. There's at least a chance that Trump will do the decent thing.

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Re: The Trump Hamster Wheel

#18 Post by BackToAllNightLights » Tue Aug 02, 2016 9:39 pm

"Clinton's ego won't allow her to take any advice and she'll forge ahead despite warnings received, continuing to cock up while imagining she's infallible, digging the hole deeper and deeper as she's already shown in other govt roles."

Wow, for a quick second, I thought you were talking about a Merkel.
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Re: The Trump Hamster Wheel

#19 Post by Stoneboat » Wed Aug 03, 2016 12:40 am

Taki's Magazine: Donald, You Ignoran Slut.

Okay, look, here are the only two things you have to know about Donald Trump’s popularity.

First, stop with the psychoanalysis. Trump doesn’t believe anything. Trump is like Luminol. Luminol is the chemical used on Forensic Files to find blood after the crime scene has already been scrubbed. You just spray Luminol all over the floor and walls, and if human blood has ever touched anything in the room, it will phosphoresce like a red-headed hobo’s nose after seven bottles of Night Train. So Donald Trump is Human Luminol. He doesn’t have any real opinions. He just seeps into an environment like a grievance-seeking gas. He finds whatever people are mad about and says “I can fix it.” He probably can’t fix it, but he’s talking about things that nobody else wants to fix. He sees the blood on the floor.

Second, it’s the very people who hate Trump the most who created Donald Trump.

There are all kinds of ordinary people who are gonna vote for Trump, and they’re not chasing a mythical golden age, and they don’t wear hard hats, and they don’t wanna live under a dictatorship. They’re what’s referred to in the mainstream press as “working class”—a strange term implying that they’re to be feared because they’re out there working instead of doing what the other classes do. Running Silicon Valley start-up deals? Managing trust funds? I don’t know why the Democrats, especially, equate “working class” with the Angry White Man, but they do.

My point is that the Donald Trump voters have consistently told us why they’re voting for Trump, but it doesn’t fit any of the stereotypes and so it’s never mentioned. What’s the first thing out of a Trump voter’s mouth when he’s asked about it?

“I like him because he says what’s on his mind.”
“He’ll say anything.”
“He doesn’t sugar-coat it.”
“He says things no one else will say.”

It’s a political movement based on the First Amendment.

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Re: The Trump Hamster Wheel

#20 Post by A Lutra Continua » Wed Aug 03, 2016 4:47 am

BackToAllNightLights wrote:"Clinton's ego won't allow her to take any advice and she'll forge ahead despite warnings received, continuing to cock up while imagining she's infallible, digging the hole deeper and deeper as she's already shown in other govt roles."

Wow, for a quick second, I thought you were talking about a Merkel.

Not much difference I can see. Both (champagne) socialists, both dangerous and neither will listen to reason. Also, like all good lefties, once things turn to shit they'll wash their hands of it all and look around for something else to break.
