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Re: A Nation of supine, rule enslaved, bedwetting wankers.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2022 9:18 am
by barkingmad
Pontius Navigator wrote:
Wed Mar 23, 2022 8:52 am
It is crude and the last two words are both sexist and ageist.
Supine and rule-enslaved are definitely apt descriptions of the UK population.

I think the medical profession would confirm there are bed wetters of all ages, so goodbye to the ageist accusation.

And the practice of (normally) solo sexual gratification has been recommended, for both sexes, to improve both physical and mental health.

So I for one do NOT find the title offensive in any way, even though some in this forum are convinced that I suffer from bedwetting... =))

Note: I don’t, yet, but time will take it’s toll... :-o

Re: A Nation of supine, rule enslaved, bedwetting wankers.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2022 9:36 am
by Pinky the pilot
Just find it crude, and below the standard of People whom I would consider educated Ladies and Gentlemen.

Re: A Nation of supine, rule enslaved, bedwetting wankers.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2022 9:51 am
by admin2
Perhaps we should ask the OP for his opinion?

Re: A Nation of supine, rule enslaved, bedwetting wankers.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2022 9:53 am
by om15
I read it to describe the woke leftie Guardian reading champagne sippers, not at all offensive in this case, accurately descriptive I think.

Re: A Nation of supine, rule enslaved, bedwetting wankers.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2022 10:01 am
by AtomKraft
I'm pointing to the way things have changed, and not for the better.

In the past- look at WWII, nobody would have called us 'supine'- quite the opposite, but today? It fits.

Rule enslaved? Who was it said 'rules are for the guidance of wise men, and the slavish adherence of fools'? I can't- remember but in todays UK, 'slavish adherence' is very much expected, and to how very many rules? It's a great deal less so in other parts.

The last two words just describe the sort of ball less chuggers who accept the first two points about accepting everything without a murmer, no matter how draconian, then weirdly insisting on doing everything they are told to, just like slaves. It was really prompted by our meek acceptance of lockdown, then grassing up anyone who didn't comply utterly.

Pathetic, in my humble opinion, of course.

As for censorship, I guess we all have a view on how much is too much. My view is there's been too much already- on here I mean.

Re: A Nation of supine, rule enslaved, bedwetting wankers.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2022 10:07 am
by admin2
"there's been too much already"

It actually looks as if some here are saying possibly not enough, AK? I appreciate you do not see yourself as a ball less chugger but in a self-moderated forum you either accept the majority opinion (and rules) or leave.

Re: A Nation of supine, rule enslaved, bedwetting wankers.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2022 10:40 am
by AtomKraft
Well, you would say that boac- because you lefty types love to limit the discussion to content that fits your own ever-narrower Overton Window.

For my part, nothing typed on a forum will offend me, and I've spent my entire life, as have most of us in aviation, trying my best to use language (all of it) to communicate as clearly and succinctly as possible- including 'swearing'.

Sometimes, there's little to replace it.

I like to use naughty words to communicate emphasis, strength of feeling or frustration, amongst other things.

For brevity and clarity, there's little to compare with that well known British phrase, of which the second word is 'off'.

The ever-so-useful 'F-word' is seen these days as very much less offensive than in the past, and to hear it usefully employed on BBC TV and Radio, not to mention YouTube etc is extremely common these days- albeit not everywhere.

In a forum populated mainly by robust people, like pilots (OK, like pilots used to be...) is to me, completely inoffensive.

As I mentioned earlier (but you deleted it) in a forum devoted to Nannying (looking after other peoples children), certainly its use is mostly inappropriate. But this forum isn't that, although you seem to be trying to make it so.

Re: A Nation of supine, rule enslaved, bedwetting wankers.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2022 11:46 am
by Pontius Navigator
There are common phrases that are simply thought free means of expression. The F word is a long standing and unimaginative means of expression. It ranks with Nice for lack of imagination.

Others, much in vogue are Amazing or Awesome but Going Forward causes me to grind my teeth.

Let us try and use more imagination in how we express ourselves

Re: A Nation of supine, rule enslaved, bedwetting wankers.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2022 7:30 pm
by admin2
It will be interesting to see after a couple of weeks where the bulk of the membership sits on this question that PN raised. So far it is 3.

I suppose I could add myself to the list, but I had become slightly inured to the potty-mouth brigade here, so not actually finding it offensive, just over-blown.

Re: A Nation of supine, rule enslaved, bedwetting wankers.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2022 8:28 pm
by Pontius Navigator
That's about it.

Re: A Nation of supine, rule enslaved, bedwetting wankers.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2022 8:58 pm
by 1DC
I don't really see the need for obscenities apart from bollox and its variations which I find useful on occasion. Grimsby fisherman could express themselves as good(or as bad) as anyone on the planet and for many swearing was an essential part of their every day vocabulary. One of the top skippers was know as Parson John mainly because he didn't swear but when things got really bad he was known to say Oh Bubbles! He could express himself just as well as anyone else in the once mighty Grimsby fishing fleet.

Re: A Nation of supine, rule enslaved, bedwetting wankers.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2022 9:55 pm
by John Hill
I have been known under extreme provocation to utter the words "daub and plaster the muddy bucket", very satisfying.

Re: A Nation of supine, rule enslaved, bedwetting wankers.

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2022 3:32 pm
by talmacapt
I don't have any problem with the name of the thread.

May be not the best choice of words but it seems grammatically correct.

I have more trouble with the Ukrainian thread, the title of which is not grammatically correct, as I have mentioned before.

Re: A Nation of supine, rule enslaved, bedwetting wankers.

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2022 10:02 pm
by Smeagol
No problem to me either. Maybe not the use of words I would choose myself but they do not offend me.

Re: A Nation of supine, rule enslaved, bedwetting wankers.

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2022 10:11 pm
As usual, one should judge whether the utterers are being aggressive or benign.

For the most part I consider such language as amusing banter - except when it evolves as part of undesirable and unnecessary ad hominem attacks.

Re: A Nation of supine, rule enslaved, bedwetting wankers.

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2023 3:31 pm
by barkingmad
Maybe there is hope for UK Homo Sapiens, though this MP is sticking his neck out but so far a muted response from the liberal do-gooders and snowflakes who infest the "Green & Pleasant Land"; ... 04996.html

And we have to congratulate ourselves for being sooh compassionate there are allegedly now 100,000 currently in the UK just off the relatively recent invasions of Cross-Channel rubber boats... ~X(

Re: A Nation of supine, rule enslaved, bedwetting wankers.

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2023 9:09 pm
by John Hill
Oh dear! I feel another smirk coming on at the mention of Poms bitching about uninvited migrants! :YMPARTY:

Re: A Nation of supine, rule enslaved, bedwetting wankers.

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2023 8:18 pm
by barkingmad
Another quiet sign indicating the natives are not shy of taking the law into their own hands, this is merely a minor act of sabotage but what will occur when the peasants really get riled? ... itors.html

At least it's more discreet than using a petrol powered angle grinder to fell the supporting column! :YMAPPLAUSE:

With a police force obsessed with chasing "non-crime hate offences" online, arresting an autistic 16yr old girl for "name-calling" deploying at least 6 'officers' for that operation, failing to solve most crimes and refusing to follow up theft of <£200 (except for fuel station theft), when will the 'Nation of Supines' finally rise up and revolt properly with minimal ability by plod to restore order?