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Re: The disgraceful BBC

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 7:31 am
by unifoxos
I say give her a good spanking

Rather you than me.

Re: The disgraceful BBC

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 7:56 am
by Boac
From K&C's clip:

"The Sun said she added: "I don't think it's a mistake. If you think it is I'm happy to accept that.

"Female politicians and public figures are threatened day in, day out, with far worse things than battery acid... rape, murder and what have you.

"At least I'm here and trying to explain what I did. I don't think I have anyone to answer to. Nigel Farage wasn't even mentioned by me on the night so why he has taken it upon himself I don't know."

If true, this displays a sad lack of intelligence by this person. Firstly it appears she has not understood about incitement to violence and secondly missed completely the point that Mr Farage WAS attacked and had had a substance thrown over him which most people would assume gives him some interest in the matter.

I wonder how some, including her, would react if I said that all left-wing stand-up comedians should be beaten up and all Labour party supporters attacked with stones wherever they are seen, followed by
"it’s purely a fantasy, but I think verbal abuse is pathetic, I honestly do. Sorry."?

Could she justify the remarks to Jo Cox's husband?

Re: The disgraceful BBC

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 8:15 am
by om15
The BBC has stated it's position over this disgusting episode,

“Jo Brand is a much loved comedian and part of the Radio 4 family – she will continue to be so, and will continue to appear on our programmes."

That is what we are taxed £150 a year to fund, perhaps the new incoming PM could add to his prestige and shut the tasteless leftie expensive organisation down, I do hope so.

Re: The disgraceful BBC

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 8:30 am
by 4mastacker
"The One Show " is nothing more than a self centred luvvie adoration outlet, complete with pasty chops when not ruining "Countryfile " ( which is an excellent programme....when he's not involved ) but the quality of their Natural history programmes cannot be disputed.
This time I actually agree with something KnC has posted... steps back and checks pulse.. still there, I've not departed this mortal coil just yet. The BBC's natural history programmes are world beaters however, one has to question what the BBC defines as a "comedian".

To me the likes of Dave Allen, Tommy Cooper, Frank Carson, Dawn French and even Bernard Manning (when he was being couth) were comedians. Obviously tastes vary but, in my view and I'm not a narrow-minded shrinking violet, Jo Brand, the other Brand, Sarah Millican, Jonathon Ross and those "comedians" selected to sit on the Question Time panel are about as funny as bowel cancer. But, it takes all sorts I suppose.

Re: The disgraceful BBC

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 8:33 am
by Capetonian
'Much loved comedian'.

Let's ignore that it should be 'comedienne' even if she's not, that's just semantics.

No doubt they polled a selected panel of left wing dropouts at job centres and working men's clubs in places like Salford and Croydon to reach that conclusion.

Along with Russel.Brand, Jonathan Woss, Michael Crawford and others whose names don't come to mind, she makes me reach for the off switch and a vomit receptacle at the same time.

I'd rather watch a Spice Girls performance or a cricket match, at least that's not offensive.

Re: The disgraceful BBC

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 9:46 am
by 4mastacker
Capetonian wrote:
Sat Jun 15, 2019 8:33 am
'Much loved comedian'.

Let's ignore that it should be 'comedienne' even if she's not, that's just semantics.


I'd rather watch a Spice Girls performance or a cricket match, at least that's not offensive.
That's the achingly PC BBC being .....errr......PC.

As for the Spice Girls at a cricket match...which side would they bat for? =))

Re: The disgraceful BBC

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 10:18 am
by Fox3WheresMyBanana
It's not about Jo Brand or bad jokes, it's about causing distress being made a criminal offence, and the merest whiff of it leading to the BBC sacking right wingers, but not left wingers.
Free speech is dead, and justice is arbitrary, those are the facts. The UK is not a free country.
Here is the Law
The Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 inserted Section 4A into the Public Order Act 1986. That part prohibits anyone from causing alarm or distress. Section 4A states, in part:

(1) A person is guilty of an offence if, with intent to cause a person harassment, alarm or distress, he—

(a) uses threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour, or disorderly behaviour, or
(b) displays any writing, sign or other visible representation which is threatening, abusive or insulting,
thereby causing that or another person harassment, alarm or distress.
Now, you find me someone who can't be distressed. More importantly, there are now very large numbers of people who will get seriously distressed by anything they don't agree with.
Jo Brand should, on the evidence and on previous case law regarding right wing hate speech, be prosecuted; then hopefully they'll repeal the stupid law.

Nor is Canada any better, since Parliament outlawed Islamophobia without defining what it is.

Re: The disgraceful BBC

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 12:51 pm
by 4mastacker
The BBC seem to want to start a class war.

Too many privately educated Army officers?

The BBC has revealed that privately-educated individuals are most likely to be motivated to serve their country in the British Army and qualify for commissions.

Perhaps the BBC should be asking: "Which segments of society are least motivated to serve their country in the British Army, let alone qualify for commissions, and why?"

Further questions to the BBC should include how many of their employees are privately educated? Also how many BBC employees have been funded by the BBC to attend Common Purpose courses?

Re: The disgraceful BBC

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 2:04 pm
by Fox3WheresMyBanana
50% of Olympic medal winners went to private schools too.

I've educated kids who went on to become Army officers, and ones who went on to win Olympic medals. The reasons are very simple.
The kids work hard, and the lessons they are in are well behaved.
The teachers do the extra curricular work (like CCF and games coaching) with enthusiasm.

This is not true of most of the State schools I have visited and observed lessons/games in.

And that's not to say it couldn't be true, but it currently isn't.

State education is bad, mostly.

And it isn't the money. Every State school I have visited had a higher budget for both class equipment and facilities than any of the private schools I have taught at.

Re: The disgraceful BBC

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 3:35 pm
by Pontius Navigator
OK, I wear light blue but I also do community work since I have retired. Admittedly I get paid for some of the work and others are not all from the same ilk but one's upbringing does mould the character.

Re: The disgraceful BBC

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 4:50 pm
by Krystal n Chips
Pontius Navigator wrote:
Sat Jun 15, 2019 3:35 pm
OK, I wear light blue but I also do community work since I have retired. Admittedly I get paid for some of the work and others are not all from the same ilk but one's upbringing does mould the character.
It certainly does....and it shows. Does this "ilk " include pig farmers at all ?

Re: The disgraceful BBC

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 8:27 pm
by llondel
4mastacker wrote:
Sat Jun 15, 2019 8:30 am
To me the likes of Dave Allen, Tommy Cooper, Frank Carson, Dawn French and even Bernard Manning (when he was being couth) were comedians. Obviously tastes vary but, in my view and I'm not a narrow-minded shrinking violet, Jo Brand, the other Brand, Sarah Millican, Jonathon Ross and those "comedians" selected to sit on the Question Time panel are about as funny as bowel cancer. But, it takes all sorts I suppose.
Alternative comedy is like normal comedy but with the jokes removed and replaced by swear words.

the good comedians of old never needed to say anything rude, they could lead an audience and would stop just before the line and let the audience take its own step over and laugh.

Re: The disgraceful BBC

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 8:50 pm
by Pontius Navigator
Remember one comedienne, well one thing only, one of the audience was standing at the back wondering whether to find a seat. She broke off and heckled him - come in or get out. He respinded, I'll get out. Biggest laugh to him. We left shortly after.

Re: The disgraceful BBC

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 10:05 pm
by Fox3WheresMyBanana
A long time ago, through a tortuous connection, I used to get invited to private parties and dinners by a director of The Comedy Store. And this was when alternative comedy was still vaguely funny. The only one who was vaguely sane was Jenny Eclair*, but then her dad had been a Major in the Army. The rest, people like Matt Lucas, were the biggest bunch of bitchy, addicted, narcissistic a-holes it has ever been my misfortune to encounter. Most of their kids were in therapy, and it wasn't helping. A desperately sad lot. I recall being at a celebration party for the Labour victory at the 1992 General Election. Except, of course, they lost. The left wing simply cannot cope with losing, literally. You could have nuked the place and then have the Martians land and they would have been less bothered. They live in self-created bubbles, and they treat waitstaff terribly.

* e.g. ... 38491.html

And now, in complete contrast to that lot, something funny

Re: The disgraceful BBC

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2019 2:31 pm
by om15
Our thoughts might be summed up in this short clip

Re: The disgraceful BBC

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2019 12:31 am
by Slasher
I haven't watch the Beeb for a couple of years now, along with its comrades CNN MSNBC ABC etc. I haven't even heard of Andrew O'Neil.

Only good things about the British ***** Cotp are its documentaries and wx reports.

Re: The disgraceful BBC

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2019 1:43 am
by Sisemen
I recall being at a celebration party for the Labour victory at the 1992 General Election. Except, of course, they lost. The left wing simply cannot cope with losing, literally.

We had a similar thing here (and probably in thousands of other spots around Australia) on 18th of May. The resident group of “intellectual” lefties all gathered for a celebration party and to say they were disappointed with the result would be the understatement of the century. They went nuclear on farcebook to rant about how Straya was doomed; what are they going to say to their grandchildren; the rest of us were stupid and were hoodwinked into voting as we did etc etc.

It was a joy to watch :D

Re: The disgraceful BBC

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2019 3:52 am
by Slasher
Sisemen wrote:
Sat Jun 22, 2019 1:43 am
I recall being at a celebration party for the Labour victory at the 1992 General Election. Except, of course, they lost. The left wing simply cannot cope with losing, literally.
I dunno who are the more dumber socialists - the ALP/Greenie brainless supporters in Oz, the clueless Corbyn/Labour supporters in England, or the completely idiotic Dem supporters in the States.

It would be an interesting bet but I'd put serious money down on the 'crats.

Re: The disgraceful BBC

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2019 1:32 pm
by Stoneboat
Alternative comedy is like normal comedy but with the jokes removed and replaced by swear words.
If they remove the "F" word, most of their 15-minute monologues could be done in one minute flat.

Re: The disgraceful BBC

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2019 1:49 pm
by Fox3WheresMyBanana
If they stuck to one liners, they might be OK

Some from Jack Dee:
Koreans have recently brought out their own vegetarian version of an instant noodle snack. It's called Not Poodle.

I've had my run-ins with booze; it's well documented. So what I can say from experience is that it takes a lot of guts and perseverance and courage to stop drinking. Which is why I haven't.

Custom officers. Aren't they a bunch of bastards, all that finger up the a*shole, all day long. They put a uniform on, for a job like that, can you imagine doing that? 'Just off to work now dear'. 'Have a nice day day at the orifice'.

The rain forest has Sting. Now Siberia has Jack Dee. Someone had to draw the short straw. In this case it was the rain forest.