Only 'stupid' people think warm ties with Russia are a bad thing

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Re: Only 'stupid' people think warm ties with Russia are a bad thing

#21 Post by obgraham » Mon Jan 09, 2017 2:57 am

What is to be gained by provoking old Vlad? Especially when a bunch here are opposed to provoking the Chinese and the Iranians.

Meanwhile, lets continue to pi$$ off the Israelis, since they seem to be the only one in their part of the planet actually running a democracy.

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Re: Only 'stupid' people think warm ties with Russia are a bad thing

#22 Post by 500N » Mon Jan 09, 2017 3:00 am


It still surprises me that the UK feels obligated re Sierra Leone, especially since the UN were already there - but of course cocked it up.


Agree, why not work with him, yes he will do things we don't like but better to be talking than not. The US (and others) also told the UKRAINE not to fight so kind of gave Russia free reign.

Putin respects people with backbone, not someone who doesn't back up what they say like Obama.

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Re: Only 'stupid' people think warm ties with Russia are a bad thing

#23 Post by Alisoncc » Mon Jan 09, 2017 3:27 am

500N wrote:Putin respects people with backbone, not someone who doesn't back up what they say like Obama.

Total and absolute BS.

To all intents and purposes Putin has been running Russia since 1999.
On 9 August 1999, Vladimir Putin was appointed one of three First Deputy Prime Ministers, which enabled him later on that day, as the previous government led by Sergei Stepashin had been sacked, to be appointed acting Prime Minister of the Government of the Russian Federation by President Boris Yeltsin.

And today
More commonly referred to as Russia, The Russian Federation offers one of the overall lowest standards of living in the world.With a population of over 142 million, the people of Russia are not as healthy as they should be. When it comes to health, they scored an extremely low 0.6 out of 10 and their life expectancy at birth is 70 years – which is shockingly low compared to the OECD average of 80 years. Total health spending is also quite low, with only 5.1% of the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) being employed for healthcare, compared to the 9.5% average.

It's not as if they are short on resources either. Give America eight years under Trump and they will saying the same about the US. Putin has done to Russia what Mugabe has done to Rhodesia. Turned it into a basket case.
Rev Mother Bene Gesserit.

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Re: Only 'stupid' people think warm ties with Russia are a bad thing

#24 Post by 500N » Mon Jan 09, 2017 4:23 am

Total BS hey ?

Putin thinks Obama is a piss weak person because he didn't back up what he said re a number of things
but particularly in regards to Syria and the use of Chemical weapons - the red line which is what lost
Obama a lot of credibility the world over.

Re divide and conquer, I wouldn't say Obama is all inclusive. For a start he and Michelle are racist and
proven to be over the last 8 years.

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Re: Only 'stupid' people think warm ties with Russia are a bad thing

#25 Post by Alisoncc » Mon Jan 09, 2017 4:36 am

I don't give a sh1t what Putin thinks about Obama. The discussion isn't about Obama, it's about Trump and Putin. Just in case you hadn't notice. On a similar tack to yours 500N, we could blame Franklin D. Roosevelt, George Bush Snr, or any one else you fancy.

So will warm ties with Russia pull Russia up or the US down. I would suggest the latter. Perhaps Trump wants to use the KGB to eliminate any opposition in the same way that Putin does.
Rev Mother Bene Gesserit.

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Re: Only 'stupid' people think warm ties with Russia are a bad thing

#26 Post by 500N » Mon Jan 09, 2017 5:32 am

Alisoncc wrote:So will warm ties with Russia pull Russia up or the US down. I would suggest the latter. Perhaps Trump wants to use the KGB to eliminate any opposition in the same way that Putin does.

So, how do YOU think closer ties with Russia / Putin will pull the US down ?

The US seems to only just pulling itself out of some of the quagmires it's been in since 9/11,
although it's in a bit of one with Syria but being closer to Russia MIGHT actually help sort it out,
as long as they drop the demand for the Pres to go - which the US has NO right to demand anyway,
way out of line on that one.

Will be interested in what you say.

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Re: Only 'stupid' people think warm ties with Russia are a bad thing

#27 Post by Dirk » Mon Jan 09, 2017 9:43 am

I'm genuinely flummoxed as to why those with an historical aggressive and hostile attitude towards anything Russia is/has/does/, suddenly want to get all cozy with them, just because the gold topped object of their adoration has stated that it is his intention, talk about sheep...jeeez, wake up ffs

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Re: Only 'stupid' people think warm ties with Russia are a bad thing

#28 Post by probes » Mon Jan 09, 2017 10:07 am

obgraham wrote:What is to be gained by provoking old Vlad?

Isn't it somewhat similar to getting offended - if one wants to, they WILL be.

As for the living standard - the Russians have been through worse.

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Re: Only 'stupid' people think warm ties with Russia are a bad thing

#29 Post by Airborne Aircrew » Mon Jan 09, 2017 3:14 pm

The Russians love living a desperately hard life while being shat upon by a nasty dictator...

They are in heaven because they have all that but the dictator isn't shipping half of them off to the salt mines...

Luxury I tell 'ee, bloody luxury...
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Re: Only 'stupid' people think warm ties with Russia are a bad thing

#30 Post by probes » Mon Jan 09, 2017 5:17 pm

Well, you don't mean that, AA.

Sounds like someone asking: why ARE they doing that - when the someone-un died in Korea and people in the news cried like babies.

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Re: Only 'stupid' people think warm ties with Russia are a bad thing

#31 Post by OFSO » Mon Jan 09, 2017 5:49 pm

Interesting predictions in yesterday's "Sunday Times" (UK) as to when Putin will send his forces into one of the Balkans - "when" not "if" - and which it will be. It is considered it will be a weaker, "unimportant" one which NATO will not defend. And then, Poles, watch out.

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Re: Only 'stupid' people think warm ties with Russia are a bad thing

#32 Post by obgraham » Tue Jan 10, 2017 2:51 am

Balkans, OFSO? Or Baltics?

Or both?


Re: Only 'stupid' people think warm ties with Russia are a bad thing

#33 Post by Sisemen » Tue Jan 10, 2017 8:00 am

Absolutely nothing wrong with “speaking softly but carrying a big stick"


Re: Only 'stupid' people think warm ties with Russia are a bad thing

#34 Post by Cacophonix » Tue Jan 10, 2017 8:31 am

While there is no sound reason for being perpetually at daggers drawn with any nation on earth and that ultimately it is good sense to seek to get on with on with one's neighbours, there are plenty of reasons to distrust Putin's Russia not least the ongoing war in Ukraine, the continuing incursions (war by any other name) in Georgia (South Ossetia), the annexation of the Crimea and the activities of the Russians on the borders and indeed within some borders of the Baltic states (the list could be added to and refined and further defined).

There are very good reasons to suspect that Trump is beholden to Russian banks as a result of multiple outstanding loans to his businesses and that senior people in his incoming administration have ulterior commercial reasons for seeking to have the world relax sanctions on Putin's regime. At the very least it would be unwise to ignore all this and simply get into a love in with Vladimir's little regime.

As for the Russians themselves they are an extraordinary people who have had an awful history but yet have risen above all that. It is true that many of the Russians I have known believe it is their own special fate to suffer and only they can do that well (I almost agree with AA here, I must be losing my mind) but one hopes that true democracy will ultimately overtake the motherland and it can take its true place at the table of civilised nations on the world stage.

As for Putin maybe he can ultimately be persuaded to retire and enjoy his ill gotten gains. I am sure a villa in Sochi will suffice.

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Re: Only 'stupid' people think warm ties with Russia are a bad thing

#35 Post by Fliegenmong » Tue Jan 10, 2017 10:01 am

Hmm....I was in Estonia in October, (TALLIN, Old Town) delightful place....wouldn't live there, but loved it nonetheless...

What surprised me was the strong sentiment to return to the old Soviet days.....ok, it was a day trip from Helsinki, and I'm sure I did not get the true feel of the Nation...but more than a few people were telling me about the 'glory' days and trying to sell me 'genuine' roubles! .....

Also, what surprised was the amount of 'those Russian Dolls', the ones with a little doll inside etc etc etc., every second shop in Estonia sold those dolls with Putin's face on them!!!

I did also see when I arrived back home a doco on a civilian militia arming themselves to prepare for a Russian invasion....
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Re: Only 'stupid' people think warm ties with Russia are a bad thing

#36 Post by Cacophonix » Tue Jan 10, 2017 10:26 am

There are sizable Russian minorities in the Baltics and Putin is happy to ensure that their presence is not forgotten and also ensures that these states are under ongoing pressure from Moscow not to stray too far from the cursus Putanicus.

Poland is re-arming at a rapid rate in order to deter the bear (not much hope there without NATO or US support mind) and even the usually sanguine Swedes are taking notice. The Finns, for their part have always been ready to repel Russians given their recent history with their sprawling neighbour although they too would succumb in short order without support.

Trump's utterances just add to the uncertainty in these countries and give succour to Putin.

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Re: Only 'stupid' people think warm ties with Russia are a bad thing

#37 Post by Magnus » Tue Jan 10, 2017 10:35 am

Russian dolls: saw an amusing one in Edinburgh, where the outer doll was demurely clad in her nun's habit, but each successive doll had cast off an item of clothing until you got to the smallest who was stark naked. SWMBO (Spoilsport Who Must Be Obeyed) wouldn't let me buy it. :(

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Re: Only 'stupid' people think warm ties with Russia are a bad thing

#38 Post by OFSO » Tue Jan 10, 2017 11:04 am

Balkans, OFSO? Or Baltics?

Yeah right, my error. I meant Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania. But heck, why stop there if you are on to a good thing, i.e. the EU does the usual - all mouth and no trousers - and Trump decides to cut back on NATO funding ? At the first sign of weakness press on to the next aquistion.

In the 1990's I was visiting NATO in Brussels - a senior officer said to me then "the first thing we'd know here about a Russian invasion would be when we saw their man battle tanks rolling past on Léopold III on their way to the city centre."


Re: Only 'stupid' people think warm ties with Russia are a bad thing

#39 Post by Cacophonix » Tue Jan 10, 2017 12:36 pm

In the 1990's I was visiting NATO in Brussels - a senior officer said to me then "the first thing we'd know here about a Russian invasion would be when we saw their man battle tanks rolling past on Léopold III on their way to the city centre."

Those tanks are only becoming more potent...

Russian tanks in the Ukraine

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Re: Only 'stupid' people think warm ties with Russia are a bad thing

#40 Post by Chuks » Tue Jan 10, 2017 1:00 pm

The tanks of the 3rd Armored Brigade of the 4th Infantry Division, US Army, have been arriving in Bremerhaven, Germany, met by a few protesters, of course.

We are going to have about four thousand soldiers come to Europe in support of an exercise named Operation Atlantic Resolve.

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