Terrorist Attack / Germany

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Re: Terrorist Attack / Germany

#121 Post by Capetonian » Fri Dec 23, 2016 6:03 pm

Europe is paying for open borders Bigly.

I always said it would, but of course I was a short-sighted, bigoted, xenophobic, uneducated moron. I may be all or any of those things, but I also happen to be correct, much as I would like to have been wrong.
I travel and cross borders more than most people, so theoretically I stood to benefit from 'freedom of movement' more than most, but I wasn't focused just on what was best for 'me', but for the population as a whole.

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Re: Terrorist Attack / Germany

#122 Post by Boac » Fri Dec 23, 2016 7:21 pm

500N wrote:although being a loner some intel might be lost.
- who says he was 'a loner''?

Cape - I am not sure that Schengen is the problem here - as said, there were around 20 hours before anyone knew his name or what he looked like. Even with proper border control, 20 hours would be enough to get out of a country.

As to whether the 'stop' was done on a visual i/d or was just fortuitous we may never know. I would like to think that the wonderful Euro security apparatus had swung into action and that every police force in Europe had his picture etc, but I think I would be dreaming there. Let's face it, if they really KNEW he was the suspect why ask for an i/d? Most would just point a gun and arrest. No matter- job done and one more Jihadist down. Just a few 100,000's to go - thanks Angela.

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Re: Terrorist Attack / Germany

#123 Post by 500N » Fri Dec 23, 2016 8:06 pm

Er, re his image, a Green Politician in charge of some committee in Hamburg refused to release his image
on the grounds it might cite racial violence. Based on previous comments "on the facebook page" !!!

You couldn't make it up.

Another reason to think the Greens are fcked in the head people.

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Re: Terrorist Attack / Germany

#124 Post by Flame Lily FX » Fri Dec 23, 2016 8:12 pm

The Polish driver found dead in the truck that ploughed into a Berlin Christmas market on Monday night “had fought for his life” before being killed by the unknown assailant or assailants behind the attack.

The driver was identified as Łukasz Urban, a 37-year-old who was described as a “good, quiet and honest person” by Łukasz W ąsik, the manager of the trucking company Ariel Żurawski .

“It was really clear that he fought,” Żurawski said.

A Go Fund Me webpage raising money for Urban’s family has received £80,000 in pledges in the two days since its launch, and a petition to award the driver Germany’s order of merit, the Bundesverdienstkreuz, had gathered over 6,000 signatures by last night.

https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/ ... lin-attack

http://www.msz.gov.pl/en/ministry/polis ... BC.cmsap5p

We also have an additional responsibility, as the host country of Frontex, the EU border security agency. Reinforcing efforts to strengthen the EU’s external borders is our shared responsibility and a realistic way of normalizing the situation. Poland is ready to do its bit.

We cannot stand idly by and watch as more countries strengthen their border controls, nor can we wait until the Schengen area and the foundations of European solidarity start to crumble. The European Union and Poland itself needs to take bold, comprehensive and forward-looking decisions made of one’s own free will, eagerness and good will. It is in everyone’s interest that these decisions are made outside of party politics and not made hostage to election campaign politicking. Regardless of who wins the elections on 25 October, they will have to tackle the issue of refugees. We now have an opportunity to show the world that we are a mature and responsible member of the European Union that is willing to help find solutions to problems, rather than cause them.

I have heard so many times, including in this very chamber, that Poland needs to play a more active role in the European Union. Standing at the side or turning our backs on the current crisis does not live up to the role that we see for ourselves within the European Union. It is within Poland’s means to lead a more ambitious and bold policy regarding the issue of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants.
Nasty Bitch bent over the kitchen sink!
I could see that, if not actually disgruntled, he was far from being gruntled.

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Re: Terrorist Attack / Germany

#125 Post by Airborne Aircrew » Fri Dec 23, 2016 9:24 pm

Personally... I think he's looking better than ever...

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Re: Terrorist Attack / Germany

#126 Post by Boac » Fri Dec 23, 2016 9:27 pm

Looks quite like his picture.

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Re: Terrorist Attack / Germany

#127 Post by 500N » Fri Dec 23, 2016 9:48 pm

Airborne Aircrew wrote:Personally... I think he's looking better than ever

I had the same thought of posting that photo. And making a comment.

The cop did well to shoot him while under fire and playing hide and seek.

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Re: Terrorist Attack / Germany

#128 Post by 500N » Fri Dec 23, 2016 10:29 pm

This is the article. Worth reading. I can't believe this occurred
'He's more concerned about Facebook comments than catching a terrorist': German politician faces resignation calls after preventing police sharing image of Berlin truck killer

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... iller.html

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Re: Terrorist Attack / Germany

#129 Post by 500N » Fri Dec 23, 2016 10:32 pm

Hey CHUKS, is this pollie a relative of yours ?

Same stupid way of thinking as you.

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Re: Terrorist Attack / Germany

#130 Post by msdad2 » Fri Dec 23, 2016 10:33 pm

Boac wrote:Looks quite like his picture.

Like his picture, he looks quiet. :-bd
I hate Signatures!

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Re: Terrorist Attack / Germany

#131 Post by Karearea » Fri Dec 23, 2016 10:38 pm

Extraordinary that the names and ages of the police officers in Milan were published. Loose lips... /:) :-?
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Re: Terrorist Attack / Germany

#132 Post by BenThere » Fri Dec 23, 2016 10:39 pm

Why isn't it quite clear that trying to prevent these atrocities from occurring is a futile effort? You can't defend every store, marketplace, theatre, mall, promenade, church or anywhere else people gather. Not when there's a network, available weapons, and the plentiful targets available. They have easy access to weapons, too, as has been shown. What we are fighting, whether we like it or not, is the ideology that is promoting these ever increasing random attacks against our citizens going about their lives in innocence.

We have three huge problems:

Open immigration is inviting and supporting large numbers of ideologues bent on murdering innocent citizens.
The welfare apparatus enables destitute immigrants with nothing but a desire to kill infidels.
Somehow, jihadis get on watch lists, or are arrested and released. Their arrests and detentions need to be exponentially strengthened and extended in duration. Convictions, fines, and expulsions need to be much more robust.

I'm all for Islam's right to structure its society in it's native sandbox. I am directly opposed to surrendering the society I enjoy to appease and accommodate Muslims who are a threat to that society I enjoy.

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Re: Terrorist Attack / Germany

#133 Post by svhar » Fri Dec 23, 2016 11:20 pm

What Ben said.

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Re: Terrorist Attack / Germany

#134 Post by Airborne Aircrew » Sat Dec 24, 2016 2:03 am

Ben's a smart chap...

The Libs.. Not so much...
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Re: Terrorist Attack / Germany

#135 Post by SOPS » Sat Dec 24, 2016 5:12 am

On ya, Ben.

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Re: Terrorist Attack / Germany

#136 Post by SOPS » Sat Dec 24, 2016 9:30 am

Whoops, seems that two more have been arrested in Germany. Planning to blow up a shopping mall. All going swimmingly well, isn't Angela?


Re: Terrorist Attack / Germany

#137 Post by Capetonian » Sat Dec 24, 2016 10:02 am

Open borders put us all at risk.

One of the most stupid and ill-conceived components of a monumentally stupid and ill-conceived project.

Europe's open borders are putting Britain's security at risk, former police chiefs have warned after it emerged that the terrorist behind the Berlin Christmas market attack travelled unhindered through three countries before being killed in Italy.

Anis Amri, the most wanted man in Europe, travelled from Berlin to the French Alps and then onto Italy without being stopped at any point on his 1,000 mile journey.

It was only after a chance encounter outside a suburban station at 3am that he was shot dead by a rookie Italian police officer who recognised him.

Counter-terrorism experts and Tory MPs on Friday warned that the Schengen Area, which enables passport-free travel across the European Union, is being "routinely exploited by Isil".

Richard Walton, a former head of counter-terrorism at the Metropolitan Police, told The Telegraph: "Schengen poses a huge risk of terrorism, porous borders across mainland Europe are continuing to be exploited by Isil.

"They have a clear strategy and have set out to carry out attacks across mainland Europe. Europe's weakness is our weakness, it is a concern for us because if you're neighbours are insecure by definition.

"We need European countries to get their act together. Sooner or later they are going to get across the Channel."

Amri was able to escape because a European arrest warrant was not issued until 30 hours after the Berlin terror attack, in which 12 people were killed after a truck was driven through a Berlin market.

Police believe that in the wake of the terror attack Amri travelled from Germany to Chambery in the French Alps before taking a high-speed train to Milan.

It is not known how he reached Chambery but the quickest route would be from Berlin to Frankfurt and then on to Lyon. One report said he may have gone to Paris before heading towards the Alps and Italy.

After arriving at Milan's central station at 1am, Amri travelled to the suburban Sesto San Giovanni station where he arrived at 3am local time.

Luca Scata, a trainee officer, was on patrol with his colleague Christian Movio when they asked Amri for his ID because he looked like the terror suspect.

Amri, 24, pulled a gun from his bag, opened fire and screamed "Allahu Akbar". Mr Movio was hit in the shoulder by Amri who then attempted to flee the scene but was shot dead by Mr Scata.

Iain Duncan Smith, a Tory MP and former Work and Pensions secretary, said that the case highlighted the need for Britain to leave the European Union "as soon as possible".

He said: "The sooner we get out the stronger our ability to look after ourselves and our borders will be.

"Where the European Union has been heading is towards this creation of a super state, within which there would be no borders, no controls, no checks. We are now beginning to see what a mistake that has been."

Last year it emerged that Abdelhamid Abaaoud, the mastermind behind the Paris terror atacks in November 2015, had travelled repeatedly between France and his family home in Belgium. He had previously fought for Isil in Syria.

Marie Le Pen, the leader of the French far-right National Front and presidential hopeful, said: "This escapade in at least two or three countries is symptomatic of the total security catastrophe that is the Schengen agreement."

Nigel Farage, Ukip’s former leader wrote on Twitter: “If the man shot in Milan is the Berlin killer, then the Schengen Area is proven to be a risk to public safety. It must go.”

Amri, 24, claimed asylum in Italy in 2011 after fleeing Tunisia following a violent robbery. He pretended to be a child migrant, even though he was 19, but then rioted inside his detention centre. He was jailed for four years but released after serving just two.

Italy was unable to deport him because Tunisia did not want to take him back and Amri fled Italy via the Alps for Germany. It has since emerged that Amri was under surveillance by German police and two months ago was overheard offering to carry out a "suicide attack".

No order was given to arrest him and he was written off as an "errand boy". Support for Germany's anti-migration AfD party soared to a year high of more than 15 percent in the wake of the Berlin truck attack, a poll to be released Saturday indicated.

With a general election expected next September, the right-wing populist Alternative for Germany recorded a 2.5-point boost to 15.5 percent compared to last week, according to the survey for the Bild newspaper by the Insa institute.

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Re: Terrorist Attack / Germany

#138 Post by BackToAllNightLights » Mon Dec 26, 2016 12:40 pm

Schengen for a Europe under effective control might have been a good idea once.
However if you cannot control your external borders or do a Merkel, you import deadly threats who laugh at you before they try to kill you.
Europe - your job # 1 is "Control Your Perimeters". ~X(
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Re: Terrorist Attack / Germany

#139 Post by Rwy in Sight » Mon Dec 26, 2016 1:56 pm

Well said BTANL. The problem is that Europe welcome everybody and not those moving on the inside of Schengen area who have supposed to be checked.


Re: Terrorist Attack / Germany

#140 Post by Capetonian » Mon Dec 26, 2016 2:01 pm

It's hardly rocket science. It was perfectly obvious that countries such as Greece, Italy, Spain, Romania, and Poland would be unlikely to have the will or the resources to police their external borders, thus providing an entry point for invaders, who then had free transit to countries such as Germany who indicated that they were welcome.

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