The US Hamster Wheel

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Re: The US Hamster Wheel

#581 Post by Lone Ranger » Mon Jan 30, 2017 10:25 am

Lone Ranger wrote:
4. One problem for you, not for me, is your failure to know and adhere to grammar, syntax, and punctuation rules that does sometimes tend to point to your lack of erudition and thoughtfulness. If you want to work on that, why not? If you don't, who cares? Donald Trump loves the poorly educated!

Ooops :))

You know chuks is already pointing out other peoples mistakes even after this beauty from his own pen, did everyone miss it?
I know it's petty to point out, but we are talking about someone who persistently calls anyone else making such mistakes uneducated and prods at them laughingly..
Oh Blimey


Re: The US Hamster Wheel

#582 Post by Cacophonix » Mon Jan 30, 2017 10:48 am

Do, does...?
Call the Grammar fuzz...
Rules and syntax
What's the fuss?
When our opinions are such a muss!
Oops that's German
Or is it English and I meant mess?
I don't know I got to confess!


(With apologies to everybody but mostly Ogden Nash)

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Re: The US Hamster Wheel

#583 Post by Chuks » Mon Jan 30, 2017 11:16 am

I knew I could provoke some other amateur pedant with that one!

Try stripping stuff off until you get to "your failure to know and adhere to grammar, syntax, and punctuation rules that does .... " The subject is failure, singular, so that it takes the singular form of the verb "to do," which is "does."

If it had been written to read that the problem is "your failures to know and adhere to grammar, to syntax, and to punctuation ... " making up a series of individual failures, then it would be failures that do, yes. This was written as one failure to know and adhere to several things, a failure that does.

Vescere bracis meis.


Re: The US Hamster Wheel

#584 Post by Capetonian » Mon Jan 30, 2017 11:34 am

And, as usual, that has precisely what to do with the topic?


Re: The US Hamster Wheel

#585 Post by Cacophonix » Mon Jan 30, 2017 11:38 am

Shorts or pants?
To eat?
Now that surely is pants?


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Re: The US Hamster Wheel

#586 Post by Chuks » Mon Jan 30, 2017 1:34 pm

I think I got it from that other weirdo, the otter-whisperer, so talk to him if you think it's wrong, because it's his, not mine.

I am merely using it, using it with the ultimate goal of crushing my enemies. I want to see them driven before me, and to hear the lamentations of their women. A sword or a battle-axe would be better for that purpose, but this is only "the cyber."

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Re: The US Hamster Wheel

#587 Post by Lone Ranger » Mon Jan 30, 2017 6:57 pm

I knew I could provoke some other amateur pedant with that one!

You are a hypocrite and a liar.
Oh Blimey

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Re: The US Hamster Wheel

#588 Post by Chuks » Mon Jan 30, 2017 8:35 pm

Mind what you go grabbing for, Lone Star. It looks as if you found my mousetrap, you lucky thing, you.



Re: The US Hamster Wheel

#589 Post by Cacophonix » Mon Jan 30, 2017 10:46 pm

Chuks wrote:I think I got it from that other weirdo, the otter-whisperer, so talk to him if you think it's wrong, because it's his, not mine.

I am merely using it, using it with the ultimate goal of crushing my enemies. I want to see them driven before me, and to hear the lamentations of their women. A sword or a battle-axe would be better for that purpose, but this is only "the cyber."

Ah, a fellow South African that irascible Otter flying weirdo whose Latin in this particular case is impeccable. I salute your use of his lexical Latin battle axe. May the unworthy prostrate themselves before your feet while gnashing their teeth and wailing their awe at your syntactical glory!

Chuks' Comitatus has come and yield ye of meagre spirit, all vassals and unworthy ignorant slaves. B-)


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Re: The US Hamster Wheel

#590 Post by Chuks » Tue Jan 31, 2017 6:53 am

Hear, hear!

Actually, there's an ugly rumor that he's left the One True Faith, gone over to two-crew aircraft, but never mind that now. That would be like Trump deciding to use Spell-Check when tweeting, just another part of the March of Progress. It does not seem to have changed the quality of his posts, which is all I care about.


Re: The US Hamster Wheel

#591 Post by Cacophonix » Tue Jan 31, 2017 9:01 am

Actually, there's an ugly rumor that he's left the One True Faith, gone over to two-crew aircraft, but never mind that now. That would be like Trump deciding to use Spell-Check when tweeting, just another part of the March of Progress. It does not seem to have changed the quality of his posts, which is all I care about.

Fie, tis sad to hear that he has ceased to give the right handed overhead salute to power and has to grovel before a yolk or even a yoke on a pillar in front of him or even worse fiddle with a silly side stick. Still it is good to hear his word is strong, his posts are punchy and his landings good! I imagine his co-pilots are well tutored in the ways of aerial righteousness.


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Re: The US Hamster Wheel

#592 Post by Chuks » Tue Jan 31, 2017 12:35 pm

That reminds me of something .... When Twottering in West Africa I would often have a co-pilot who enjoyed spicy food, when the spices would come out in his perspiration. His turn to fly, up came the left hand onto the power levers and .... Urrgh! A wave of stale foo-foo-scented sweat would wash over me.

Another guy favored big, white hankies scented with cheap but powerful lilac scent. He would whip this thing the size of a pillowcase out and flap it around to dire effect.

A Twotter oddity is that the air circulates from the cabin into the cockpit, no idea why except that the cockpit is a breezy workplace.

We would get early morning departures that would trigger small explosions in the gastric tracts of some of our pax, and I had this one co-pilot I thought of as the Gollywog, because he looked just like him, with his round face and the dark pupils of his eyes ringed with white. A gastric blast would waft through the cockpit and the Gollywog would turn to goggle at me, fixing me with those eyes, and always ask "Captain! Was that you?" when I would always deny having got into what really was an offense against the Geneva Convention, chemical warfare.

Even later on, when I thought I had made it, finally in a proper airliner, the girls would dose the stinky bog with rose-scented bog deodorant, what really was rose-scented bog odorant, because funds were lacking for proper bog chemicals. Same story, when whatever happened way down the back hit the flight deck (no more mere cockpit) about two seconds later to deadly effect.

And here we go again! Trump cuts another brainfart in D.C. and nine hours later we get it on the morning news here in Germany like a wave of stench.

Truly, my life's path is strewn with cowpats from the Devil's own herd.


Re: The US Hamster Wheel

#593 Post by Cacophonix » Tue Jan 31, 2017 12:52 pm

A Twotter oddity is that the air circulates from the cabin into the cockpit, no idea why except that the cockpit is a breezy workplace.

A friend of mine, now an exalted training Captain with a big airline, started his career flying the Shorts C.7 Skyvan (lovingly known as the Shed) from the UK to the Continent.

The Shed did not have a toilet on board. The senior crew quickly discovered that if one urinated at a certain specific place inside the aircraft next to the partially opened door, the peculiarities of aerodynamics and air currents would suck the stream of urine straight out of the aircraft without hitting the door or the sides of the aircraft. Apparently it was a right of passage for new FO's to be told to stand two feet away from that sweet spot and watch them get showered with their own urine much to the amusement of the Captain. He noted that mastering this technique was crucial to promotion in his company no matter how good the pilot!

Back to US politics... What about the hypocrisy of this Mr Kushner? ... CMP=twt_gu

The US rejection of Jewish refugees from Europe during the Nazi rise to power and as war got under way reflected a widespread populist xenophobia and anti-immigrant sentiment aimed at Jews, Catholics and others. Jared Kushner has faced criticism – including in a scathing comment piece this week in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz – for deploying his family’s experience of the Holocaust during the election campaign to defend Trump and his entourage against accusations of antisemitism.

Allison Kaplan Sommer, a Hareetz columnist, directly linked Jared Kushner’s support for Trump with the president’s ban and Rae’s experiences. “Since it was Kushner himself who brought his family’s Holocaust legacy into the political fray, it feels fair to force him to confront the way in which he is now party to inflicting his grandmother’s suffering on others.”


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Re: The US Hamster Wheel

#594 Post by BenThere » Tue Jan 31, 2017 5:03 pm

Allison is wrong. Kushner has shown no hint of inflicting suffering on anyone. He is entitled to his political views and attachment to his family. May I say Allison is the bigot here?


Re: The US Hamster Wheel

#595 Post by Cacophonix » Tue Jan 31, 2017 5:35 pm

Ms Kaplan Sommer is right. If you can't see how the most recent Trump administration decree reference travel etc. will have caused great distress to many Muslim people in and outside the USA then perhaps I should put you down in my sociopath folder Ben!

There. Look I have just done that! ;) See it says it right there BenThere, articulate ex-pilot sociopath with potential Munchhausen's Syndome as well (just because)!


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Re: The US Hamster Wheel

#596 Post by BenThere » Tue Jan 31, 2017 6:20 pm

I suppose I'll have to suffer the blow, Caco. You do what you like; I don't care.

President Trump acted to protect Americans. I'm 100% for that. And after all the distress Muslims have caused these past 20 years, I don't feel too sad that for once, a tidbit of distress might be cast their way.

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Re: The US Hamster Wheel

#597 Post by Alisoncc » Tue Jan 31, 2017 9:56 pm

BenThere wrote:President Trump acted to protect Americans. I'm 100% for that. And after all the distress Muslims have caused these past 20 years, I don't feel too sad that for once, a tidbit of distress might be cast their way.

BenT, so which nation decided to go around ousting all the Arab strong men just to placate their own, Americas, greed - read oil wealth. Who removed Saddam Hussein, Mohammed Gadaffi, and now attempting to remove Assad. You might like to try and consider that perhaps, just perhaps, the US started much of it. Plus Americas absolute support for Israel against Palestine continues to fuel much of the Middle Eastern tension.

Perhaps Trump's wall should encircle the whole nation - to keep the idiots in. How big was the Muslim "threat" before George W embarked on his disastrous vendetta, with absolutely no plans for what happened afterwards? Basic fact of life - Nature abhors a vacuum. Think about that.

Rev Mother Bene Gesserit.

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Re: The US Hamster Wheel

#598 Post by Chuks » Wed Feb 01, 2017 3:53 am

Ben, it's okay for us to cause distress, to be all over the news now with a small child even having been put in handcuffs, because Muslims have caused distress. What next, suicide bombings?

You need to lay off the Mexican cactus squeezings. You are showing off your inner Trump now, what the Germans call das innere Schweinhund.

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Re: The US Hamster Wheel

#599 Post by Woody » Wed Feb 01, 2017 10:49 am

Please let this be true :ymdevil:

Legally I can kill him, Queen confirms
THE QUEEN has confirmed that if President Trump makes a state visit, she can kill him with a sword and nobody can touch her.

Palace staff have assured the Queen that, according to English law, Trump is a subject of the Crown and can, if judged to be damaging the monarchy, be dispatched without repercussion.

She said: “I haven’t made up my mind yet. I might.

“It’s been an awful lot of years hefting the old sword without using it, and who better to christen it on? Just imagine the look on his satsuma face.

“And the colonies would be so grateful they’d have me straight back as their reigning monarch, which solves this Brexit thing literally at a stroke.

“I should do one useful thing before I abdicate, really. And imagine how furious it’d make the May woman.”

Her Majesty added: “I genuinely can’t think of a reason not to. Anyone?”
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Re: The US Hamster Wheel

#600 Post by BenThere » Wed Feb 01, 2017 12:09 pm ... z4XQtGGS1t

Interesting and enlightening reading, I think.

a small child even having been put in handcuffs

Well, since she was wearing a suicide vest...

You need to lay off the Mexican cactus squeezings. You are showing off your inner Trump now, what the Germans call das innere Schweinhund.

I resent that implication/insult. It's not true or justified, but a thinly veiled personal dig.

As for President Trump's EO, it applied to failed states with proven populations of ISIS/Jihadi fanatics. Travel from those areas has been inadequately screened. Is it not reasonable to apply real scrutiny to those seeking to enter the US from them? I'm grateful most Americans polled have seen through the anti-Trump outrage and approve of what he did.

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