This is Democracy......

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This is Democracy......

#1 Post by OFSO » Thu Jan 19, 2017 8:11 pm

Marine Le Pen is gaining support in France and has taken the lead in a major survey of voters’ intentions for the first round of the presidential election.The populist leader of the National Front had between 25 percent and 26 percent support compared with 23 percent to 25 percent for Republican candidate Francois Fillon, according to an Ipsos Sopra Steria poll for Cevipof and Le Monde. In mid December, Fillon led with about 28 percent and Le Pen around 25 percent.

....and this is the EU:

European Commissioner Pierre Moscovici, a French Socialist, said in Davos Thursday that there’s little chance of Le Pen securing the broad support needed for victory. “I’m not worried about Madame Le Pen being president,” Moscovici said in a Bloomberg Television interview. “I don’t want Madame Le Pen in power. Never, ever in my country.”

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Re: This is Democracy......

#2 Post by 500N » Thu Jan 19, 2017 8:39 pm

Seeing the left demonstrate over Brexit, Trump etc just shows how they only want democracy if they win.

And the violence / riots by the left in various protests makes me laugh. Chuks bover boys out at night !

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Re: This is Democracy......

#3 Post by Chuks » Fri Jan 20, 2017 3:17 am

500N, feel free to cite those reports of "violence / riots by the left in various protests" that make you laugh.

Meanwhile, be advised that it should be "Chuks' bovver boys out at night!" rather than what you wrote making this claim. (You seem to be channeling the spirit of Warren Gamaliel Harding whenever your stubby digits get anywhere near a keyboard, so that I would suggest hiring a priest and having yourself exorcised.)

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Re: This is Democracy......

#4 Post by 500N » Fri Jan 20, 2017 3:52 am

Take your pick

Put this into google and take your pick.

riots because trump elected

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Re: This is Democracy......

#5 Post by Chuks » Fri Jan 20, 2017 7:13 am

I did just that 500N, googled "riots because trump elected". Here's what I found, in the order I found it:

First page:

The Sun, "Riots" in headline, "wave of protests" in article.

CNN, "Anti-Trump Protests, Portland cops call it 'riot.'"

CNN, "Protests," re-hash of previous article.

The Mirror, "Riots, flag-burning."

The Daily Star, "VIOLENCE, thousands of rioters." Thousands?

Liberal Insider, "Liberals RIOTING." Not "rioters" rioting?

Conservative Daily Post, "Obama now considering martial law because of mass riots." He was, because there were?

Infowars, "Hillary Supporters Burn American Flag, Riot, Threaten to Kill Trump ... " Now we are getting somewhere, except that it's just Alex Jones, whack-job.

The Hill, "Conservatives forget history in discrediting Trump protests." Going a bit off-message here by being reasonable ....

Page Two:

Daily Wire, "Insane anti-Trump protesters demonstrate why .... " Hmm .... They are insane, which is good, but only demonstrating, which is bad, for proving 500N's point, if he has one.

And so on.

There seems to be a pattern here, 500N, in that there's no New York Times, no Washington Post, no LA Times reporting of all these riots. Why is that?


Re: This is Democracy......

#6 Post by Capetonian » Fri Jan 20, 2017 7:21 am

Alec Baldwin took to the podium at an anti-Donald Trump rally in New York on Thursday night to carry out his impression of the president-elect. Celebrities, including Robert de Niro and Cher, joined several thousand protesters on the streets of New York near the Trump International Hotel on Thursday night to protest against the president-elect. Protesters also gathered outside Trump International Hotel in Washington D.C. on Thursday night with police apparently clashing with the crowd.

Hundreds of protesters gathered outside the National Press Club, which was hosting the "DeploraBall" - a play on a campaign remark by Hillary Clinton, who once referred to many of Trump's supporters as a "basket of deplorables."

Protesters booed any time presumed ball-goers in suits, tuxedos or dresses came in or out of the event.

An array of demonstrations are planned and one group, Disrupt J20, said it will hold protests at each of the 20 checkpoints in an attempt to prevent people getting to the festivities on the National Mall.

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Re: This is Democracy......

#7 Post by Chuks » Fri Jan 20, 2017 7:42 am

O, the huge manatee!

Blame the Founding Fathers, Carptoonian!

"Amendment I. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances." (My emphasis.)

They did things better back in the old days in South Africa, didn't they?

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Re: This is Democracy......

#8 Post by 500N » Fri Jan 20, 2017 8:04 am


You didn't look very hard - but you wouldn't would you.

Try entering these into google, you will have heaps to choose from

nytimes anti trump riots
Washington post anti trump riots


Re: This is Democracy......

#9 Post by Cacophonix » Fri Jan 20, 2017 8:04 am

Alec Baldwin took to the podium at an anti-Donald Trump rally in New York on Thursday night

Give that man a Bells. No, actually give him something better like a Laphroaig or maybe a Tallasker as the abominable naartjie fest continues. As long as the naartjie remains unpeeled so may Mr Baldwin continue to take the proverbial piss! And may that pee be beautiful!

Alec Baldwin took his Donald Trump impression outside Saturday Night Live‘s Studio 8H at a rally protesting the president-elect’s imminent inauguration.
“I just want to say, I’ve been standing out here in the freezing cold for a long time. I have to go to the bathroom — I have to pee,” Baldwin-as-Trump said at the Thursday night rally in New York City. “But I’m holding it in, holding it in. I’m not going to pee. I’m going to a function at the Russian consulate tonight; I’m going to hold it in until I get there. And then when I get to the Russian consulate, I’m going to have a really, really long pee. Like the biggest pee I’ve ever had in my lifetime.”

ABaldwin.JPG ... ion-rally/


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Re: This is Democracy......

#10 Post by Chuks » Fri Jan 20, 2017 8:22 am

500N, I did exactly what you told me to do. Now you don't like the result of my having done that, so that you want me to do something different. Uh-huh, and when that doesn't quite work out, you expect me to do something else different, until you see the result you want. What am I here, your slave?

I guess that you did not bother to check first on what the result would be of doing what you told me to do. That's just so very, very Trump of you!


Re: This is Democracy......

#11 Post by Capetonian » Fri Jan 20, 2017 8:52 am


I wonder what they're saying now! Worth listening to, to see who made fools of themselves.

They did things better back in the old days in South Africa, didn't they?

I don't know what 'things' you're referring to, but in general, yes, definitely.

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Re: This is Democracy......

#12 Post by 500N » Fri Jan 20, 2017 9:08 am


All the results came up as protests, riots.

YOU just changed the goal posts because YOU didn't like the results.


Re: This is Democracy......

#13 Post by Capetonian » Fri Jan 20, 2017 9:26 am

YOU just changed the goal posts because YOU didn't like the results.
... which is precisely what people do when there is no validity in their argument, or they try to divert attention away from the topic by picking on 'split infinitives' and 'comma splices'. Pathetic really.

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Re: This is Democracy......

#14 Post by Chuks » Fri Jan 20, 2017 9:41 am

500N, first you were asking after "riots because trump elected." When most of what came up was merely "protests" then you chose to complain about me moving (not changing) the goal posts. You first moved the goal posts when you swapped "riots because trump elected" for:

nytimes anti trump riots
Washington post anti trump riots

What still comes up is mostly "protests," not "riots," so that you, not me, have moved the goal posts again by stating that "All the results came up as protests, riots." That is true, but what you wanted to see was "riots," when a riot is not the same thing as a protest! That is you, not me, moving the goal posts, twice. Now you want to blame me for what is there using the links you suggested. That is interesting ....

Carptoonian, are we playing "charades" now? It's something to do with "Democracy," the subject of this thread, the state of democracy in the old South Africa, the one you seem to miss so much. It's an Afrikaans word of nine letters, (mimes peaceful protesters being clubbed). Still nothing?


Re: This is Democracy......

#15 Post by Capetonian » Fri Jan 20, 2017 9:55 am

Chuk-up you'd better wise up on ZA current affairs if you think it's a democracy now.


Re: This is Democracy......

#16 Post by Cacophonix » Fri Jan 20, 2017 10:04 am

The South African police were apt to turn the most peaceful protests into a 'riot' or more specifically an opportunity to beat those 'blerrie liberal communists' if you were white or just simply 'shoot the kaffirs' if you were black.

Being a middle of the road moderate and a believer in the right to peaceful protest I was thus involved in a number of 'riots' back in the 'good old days' of apartheid when everything was simple, simply spiffing and the sun was, warm, the braais tasty and your car a Chevrolet! Nothing like the sounds of sjamboks in the morning, to make one's blood course and tingle.

I thank and bless my lucky stars for my mom a black Sash member, brave protester and a democrat to her very core. RIP

A look back at the days of yore in my God benighted homeland.


South Africa may have huge issues today but it has taken some lurching steps towards democracy and may that continue.



Re: This is Democracy......

#17 Post by Capetonian » Fri Jan 20, 2017 10:12 am

Are you trying to convince anyone that the current bunch of savages are any different or any better? The only thing that's different is that whereas it was previously whites oppressing 'kaffirs', it's now blacks oppressing and brutalising anyone who opposes the ANC.

Marikana, anyone? (Forgive me if I've spelt it wrongly).

Zimbabwe : A shining example of black democracy in action? Exactly what the liberals wanted when they postured for the overthrow of white rule? That nice Mr. Mugabe.


Re: This is Democracy......

#18 Post by Cacophonix » Fri Jan 20, 2017 10:29 am

Marikana was a massacre, you are right, and it is a bloody disgrace but like many South African stories the full story won't come out officially, not least because the mining companies (UK owned) in collusion with the government don't want it to come out.

The guy who wrote this book was in the year behind me at my school. His brother (in my class) is still a journalist in Pretoria (albeit very unwell)...

On 16 August 2012, a contingent of the South African Police Service opened fire with R5 assault rifles on a group of striking miners on and around Wonderkop near the Marikana platinum mine in South Africa’s North West province. By the time the dust settled, 34 miners were dead and 78 more were wounded. Footage of the massacre travelled around the globe, causing public outrage. 
The news footage, however, captured only a dozen or so of the dead. A number of those who died were killed beyond the view of cameras at a nondescript collection of boulders known as Small Koppie, some 300 metres behind Wonderkop. Many of these men had been shot incold blood at close range.
In Murder at Small Koppie, renowned photojournalist Greg Marinovich explores the truth behind the Marikana massacre, looking specifically at the largely untold slaughter at Small Koppie. Drawing on his own meticulous investigations, eyewitness accounts and the findings of the Marikana Commission of Inquiry set up by President Jacob Zuma following the massacre, Marinovich accurately reconstructs that fateful day as well as the events leading up to the strike,and looks at the subsequent denials, obfuscation and buck-passing that characterised Lonmin’s, the SAPS’ and the government’s response.
This is the definitive account of the Marikana massacre from the journalist whose award-winning investigation into the tragedy was called the most important piece of South African journalism post apartheid. ... 1770226098


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Re: This is Democracy......

#19 Post by 500N » Fri Jan 20, 2017 10:31 am


You'll never be fcking happy. You are a classic fcking Troll.

You Are just like the women taped in Germany who would be up in arms if the rspidt was white but because they were black/immigrant it's ok to "take one for the cause" !!!!


Re: This is Democracy......

#20 Post by Cacophonix » Fri Jan 20, 2017 10:34 am

500N wrote:Chuks

You'll never be fcking happy. You are a classic fcking Troll.

You Are just like the women taped in Germany who would be up in arms if the rspidt was white but because they were black/immigrant it's ok to "take one for the cause" !!!!

A troll! Don't be such a knobhead 500N and use your head to try and think, not what passes for your dick. =))


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