The Trump Hamster Wheel

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Re: The Trump Hamster Wheel

#721 Post by BenThere » Sat Oct 08, 2016 2:51 pm

The fact remains, though, is that what we're deciding is not who possesses the greater sexual propriety but who will better function to preserve and defend the Enlightenment and the Western World?

I happen to think Hillary would continue to pile on debt, continue to pit racial, ethnic, gender and economic groups against each other, and continue to contribute to the Left's deconstruction of our culture and way of life. While I concede Trump has flaws, I continue to think his motives are right, and that he has skills that can be brought to bear where we need it most, and that this might be our last chance to pull us out of the precipitous decline the left has wrought.

I'm beginning to think he won't win, and that the Left, with its control of the reigns of power, will continue to force us down this path to Venezuela. So the strategy of my remaining life is to try to continue to protect my assets so as to provide for my heirs.

More Aviation

Re: The Trump Hamster Wheel

#722 Post by More Aviation » Sat Oct 08, 2016 3:05 pm

And you see Trump as the civilised arbiter who will ensure that this happens? Shurely shome mishtake Mr Bond? ... .html?_r=0

Jill Harth’s first concern with Donald Trump’s hands wasn’t that they were small. It’s that they were everywhere.

Harth and her longtime boyfriend were in meetings with Trump to forge a business partnership. “He was relentless,” Harth recalled in an interview, describing how on Dec. 12, 1992, he took the couple to dinner and a club — and then situated himself beside Harth and ran his hands up her skirt, to her crotch. “I didn’t know how to handle it. I would go away from him and say I have to go to the restroom. It was the escape route.”

We’ve all heard of Trump’s unethical or loutish behavior, most recently in a 2005 recording unearthed by The Washington Post on Friday in which he boasts of kissing and groping women. The story that Harth and the boyfriend, George Houraney, tell of their interactions with Trump over six years — including business cheating and attempted rape — shows how that predation worked in practice. “He name-dropped continuously,” Harth said under oath in a deposition in a subsequent lawsuit, “when he wasn’t groping me.”

Harth and Houraney were simply an ordinary Florida couple thrilled that Trump wanted to partner with them. And that’s when the nightmare began. (Trump strongly denies these improprieties.) Anyone thinking about voting for Trump would do well to listen to Houraney and Harth. ... .html?_r=0

With Trump you have your own kind of orange Jimmy Saville!

No citrus juice was adulterated in the acid joke above!

As for Trump's skills (or lack of them) they seem to be focussed on the female sacral centre!


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Re: The Trump Hamster Wheel

#723 Post by BenThere » Sat Oct 08, 2016 3:16 pm

So Trump's behavior was so egregious, intolerable, beyond the pale, and otherwise offensive that after six years in the business relationship they had to escape. Please! Spare me!

Please don't fall for this deflection. Look at the issues.

More Aviation

Re: The Trump Hamster Wheel

#724 Post by More Aviation » Sat Oct 08, 2016 3:23 pm

BenThere wrote:So Trump's behavior was so egregious, intolerable, beyond the pale, and otherwise offensive that after six years in the business relationship they had to escape. Please!

Ben there are none so blind as those who will not see.

Look at the litany of Trump's failed businesses, his screwing over small businesses and business people, his lack of respect and understanding of the constitution and all the things that make America a good place, his perverse attitudes towards women, his click and bait scams, his so-called university (another scam), his general demeanour toward the common man, his courting of Putin... the list just goes on and on and yet you blithely and blindly support this aging, narcissistic pervert buffoon!

What has happened to your moral compass?


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Re: The Trump Hamster Wheel

#725 Post by BenThere » Sat Oct 08, 2016 4:15 pm


You're regurgitating talking points, and most of them are invalidated by even the most cursory investigation.

The gist of the election isn't the transgressions of unguarded comments 11 years ago; can you defend everything you've said? If you think so I can find some files of things you've said that would make you slink into the corner. How about we come up with some Hillary comments as she was throwing dishes against the West Wing walls? Would that even the score? I'm a big fan of Churchill, too, even though he uttered some unfortunate things over his career.

But the main point is, we are deciding the fate of the West. People who fall for the October surprise and lose sight of the big picture are shallow. Think, please, about what really is important. If his locker room talk from 11 years ago drives your bottom line, I have only pity.

And the Clinton's university scam dwarfs any failure of Trump University.

More Aviation

Re: The Trump Hamster Wheel

#726 Post by More Aviation » Sat Oct 08, 2016 4:23 pm

If you think so I can find some files of things you've said that would make you slink into the corner.

You most probably could but you'd be hard pressed to find any drunk or sober comment from me about molesting women and the like.

Anyway I am not seeking to become POTUS so any questions relevant to my moral turpitude (or not) are not germane here! ;)

I challenge you to invalidate any one of the observations I made above reference to orange Donald...


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Re: The Trump Hamster Wheel

#727 Post by BenThere » Sat Oct 08, 2016 4:41 pm

Trump had no idea in 2005 that he'd be running for president in 2016. He was busy making money. Perhaps the single cudo I would hand President Obama is that he was able to cover up everything he ever said and did, his transcripts, college records, meetings, etc. so as to present the carefully crafted 'Yes We Can' narrative. It worked. Trump doesn't have the same luxury of a sympathetic press, entertainment and news media, and academia enjoyed by Democrats.

Wrong, MA. I challenge you to support your assertions.

Cite a small business Trump screwed over. What Constitutional principle did he trample? Let's examine the totality of Trump's interaction with women, to include the women at the pinnacle of his business empire. Click and bait scams? I'm ignorant of this, but suspect it is nebulous filler to your post.

The common man is my biggest concern, as I am one. And I submit that my moral compass remains aligned to true North. It is yours that has precessed.

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Re: The Trump Hamster Wheel

#728 Post by Airborne Aircrew » Sat Oct 08, 2016 4:51 pm


I think you'll find that certainly amongst many of his male supporters there are few that haven't though or voiced stuff equally "egregious" when they think their conversation is somewhat private. Many of those who deny it are liars.

Trump isn't where he is because he's a sweet, quiet spoken man who is as squeaky clean as the average poli tries to portray, He's there because 70% of the electorate think this country is going in the wrong direction and that no bog standard poli from either side really has it in mind to "rock their little boat". That electorate is quite sure that to vote for Hitlery is to send the country even further down the wrong road at, most likely, an accelerated pace and realize that they cannot vote for Hitlery.

The _only_ remaining vote is therefore for Trump who may not stick to some of the blustery promises he is making that ring bells with them but it is quite clear that the country will veer in another direction. Whether that road is the one they fully agree with taking or not they are quite sure that it cannot be any worse than to carry on careening down the dirt track the USA is currently on.
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Re: The Trump Hamster Wheel

#729 Post by More Aviation » Sat Oct 08, 2016 4:57 pm

BenThere wrote:Trump had no idea in 2005 that he'd be running for president in 2016. He was busy making money. Perhaps the single cudo I would hand President Obama is that he was able to cover up everything he ever said and did, his transcripts, college records, meetings, etc. so as to present the carefully crafted 'Yes We Can' narrative. It worked. Trump doesn't have the same luxury of a sympathetic press, entertainment and news media, and academia enjoyed by Democrats.

Wrong, MA. I challenge you to support your assertions.

Cite a small business Trump screwed over. What Constitutional principle did he trample? Let's examine the totality of Trump's interaction with women, to include the women at the pinnacle of his business empire. Click and bait scams? I'm ignorant of this, but suspect it is nebulous filler to your post.

The common man is my biggest concern, as I am one. And I submit that my moral compass remains aligned to true North. It is yours that has precessed.

BenThere you are clearly currently uncertain of your position. Let's try and give you some vectors that will help you get over your (hopefully temporary) loss of situational awareness.

Trump (unlike Clinton) had the benefit of his position as a media darling and 'reality' TV star with reference to your slightly paranoiac comment about the "sympathetic press etc."

The Democrats certainly don't have a unique relationship with the press or media. In fact the US media has a right wing bias if anything (look at the ubiquitous Fox for example). Are you one of those guys that believes that there is some sort of Hollywood conspiracy against candidates from the right? Some academics can be slightly left of centre that is true, that is because most of them are intelligent and actually think as opposed to trying to tell their arse from the elbow in the fug of post hoc rationalisation and confirmation bias that seems to bog Trump's supporters down.

As for citing examples of small businesses shafted by Trump try these examples...


I could go on but I fear I am wasting my time as you are blind. I see nothing but CFIT for you and Trump I am afraid.

The turgid tit has even brought his brand of bull here to the UK... ... o-scotland


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Re: The Trump Hamster Wheel

#730 Post by BenThere » Sat Oct 08, 2016 5:20 pm

The fact remains, though, is that what we're deciding is not who possesses the greater sexual propriety but who will better function to preserve and defend the Enlightenment and the Western World?

I happen to think Hillary would continue to pile on debt, continue to pit racial, ethnic, gender and economic groups against each other, and continue to contribute to the Left's deconstruction of our culture and way of life. While I concede Trump has flaws, I continue to think his motives are right, and that he has skills that can be brought to bear where we need it most, and that this might be our last chance to pull us out of the precipitous decline the left has wrought.

I'm beginning to think he won't win, and that the Left, with its control of the reigns of power, will continue to force us down this path to Venezuela. So the strategy of my remaining life is to try to continue to protect my assets so as to provide for my heirs.

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Re: The Trump Hamster Wheel

#731 Post by Lone Ranger » Sat Oct 08, 2016 5:41 pm

I could have told you that months ago...oh wait I did, So you'll be leaving the country as you promised, I presume.
Oh Blimey

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Re: The Trump Hamster Wheel

#732 Post by BenThere » Sat Oct 08, 2016 6:07 pm

You'll be happy to note that I'm setting up residence in Mexico while maintaining my US residence and citizenship. My permanent residence in Mexico is pending.

Just curious Lone Ranger, have you been setting up your nationality options? You might think about it before things get dicey.

More Aviation

Re: The Trump Hamster Wheel

#733 Post by More Aviation » Sat Oct 08, 2016 8:48 pm




Re: The Trump Hamster Wheel

#734 Post by Slasher » Sat Oct 08, 2016 9:53 pm

Robert De Niro - he is an excellent actor isn't he.

Somehow I don't think he should've used the same Sam Rothstein style in 'Casino' (when he read the riot act to his new wife Ginger about staying away from her old pimp Lester Diamond) in this instance. It makes his entire spele therefore appear just a tad disingenuous don't you think? But actors are actors I suppose - esp Hollywood ones.

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Re: The Trump Hamster Wheel

#735 Post by Airborne Aircrew » Sun Oct 09, 2016 1:55 am

Who really cares what people who's only discernible talent is pretending to be someone else really thinks, (should they actually have the power of thought)?

I am so fed up of the idiots in Hollywood and music spouting their mouths off because they have a bullhorn to the ignorant and mindless.

Give me good old Joe Smith who works 50+ hours a week for $20/hour before you give me the golden girls and boys of Hollywood and the music industry because Joe knows what _real_ life is about... The rest live in their gilded towers pontificating about things they either never knew about or have totally forgotten...

The "famous" are the most worthless of our society...
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Re: The Trump Hamster Wheel

#736 Post by More Aviation » Sun Oct 09, 2016 3:10 am

The "famous" are the most worthless of our society...

If by that you mean the 'famous' for being famous, people like Trump himself, the ultimate 'reality' (and realty) non-entity, then I can partly agree with your comment.


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Re: The Trump Hamster Wheel

#737 Post by obgraham » Sun Oct 09, 2016 5:35 am

MA you are working yourself around in circles.

Of course, Trump was "famous for being famous". He got famous by running a TV show of dubious merit in which he was paid to act like an a-hole. Viewers (not including me) lapped it up. So now you're complaining that 10 years ago he acted like an a-hole.

Fast forward to now. This is what we are concerned about now. And his opponent continues to this day to lie and obfuscate -- about things that are important to the future of the country, not TV shows and bikini contests.


Re: The Trump Hamster Wheel

#738 Post by Slasher » Sun Oct 09, 2016 6:11 am

MA the point is Hollywood opinion is never taken seriously by a fair number of intelligent bums out there. When De Niro speaks about acting, stage, theatre etc he is speaking as a thorough professional. However when these actors talk of politics it goes in one ear and out the other. How many of the brainless famous like Naomi Campbell, Britney bloody Spears and others now have egg on their faces when they jumped on the O'Bummer popularity bandwagon a number of years ago? Because politics and real life do not have a prepared script.

Mate if you're gonna post these YouTubes of opinions, post those of ones who are reliable and disinterested when it comes to the candidates. Who those ones are I wouldn't have a clue, but definitely not actors.

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Better yet ...

#739 Post by Chuks » Sun Oct 09, 2016 7:37 am

Just sit back and let pro-Trump people post such gems as criticism of those who "live in their gilded towers pontificating about things they either never knew about or have totally forgotten... " since that describes the Donald rather exactly, given that he really does live in a gilded tower on 5th Avenue in New York City! There we can see just how aware one must be to go for the Donald.

"Rats fleeing a burning dumpster" is about all I can come up with for what is happening to those who had supported Trump until they were troubled by discovering that there are limits to doing that, even though it reads like a mixed metaphor. I guess we shall have to wait for the debate to see the next twist in the rats' tale.

More Aviation

Re: The Trump Hamster Wheel

#740 Post by More Aviation » Sun Oct 09, 2016 8:49 am

Mate if you're gonna post these YouTubes of opinions, post those of ones who are reliable and disinterested when it comes to the candidates. Who those ones are I wouldn't have a clue, but definitely not actors...

Slash, mate, if I could have found an orator (for that is what actors like Mr De Niro are) as good as Richard Burton to say those words in his fine mellifluous voice , or if I had been able to rouse up the bard himself from his eternal slumber so that he might "speak silvered tongued", then I would have been the happier again.

Still Mr De Niro's delivery was better for being more interested than disinterested and the content of his peroration perfect.

Let that suffice. I feel that it is not for me so much to fight to explain my position against Trump but for those who, like the simian triad see, hear and speak no evil, to explain the shame of following this Trump charlatan into his cesspit.


