The Trump Hamster Wheel

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Re: The Trump Hamster Wheel

#701 Post by Airborne Aircrew » Wed Oct 05, 2016 10:24 am


just a sex-crazed, big boob adoring

You must love MA and Chuks then because there have rarely been a pair of bigger boobs in the history of the interweb thingy... :D
Reasons for being banned to date:-

1. Espousing extreme views
2. PITA, (love this one)...


Re: The Trump Hamster Wheel

#702 Post by MoreBloodyAviation » Wed Oct 05, 2016 10:25 am

Slasher wrote:I don't think I'm a yardstick - just a sex-crazed, big boob adoring sex addicted gun lovin' socialist hatin' and poofter loathin' ordinary bloke!

Anyway put me down as a 2 and 3.

What's TRABB again?

You have judged your baseline perfectly. You are, of course, the median upon which the scale is based and the fact that you agree with the 2/3 level means it is probably quite accurate. :)) (But I would say that wouldn't I).

TRABB = The really really boring and totally pointless snippets of information thread

You will notice the implication of the Alison-Slash scale is that there is a TRABB scale which is the inverse of the other one.



Re: The Trump Hamster Wheel

#703 Post by MoreBloodyAviation » Wed Oct 05, 2016 10:28 am

Airborne Aircrew wrote:Slash:

just a sex-crazed, big boob adoring

You must love MA and Chuks then because there have rarely been a pair of bigger boobs in the history of the interweb thingy... :D

You, of course, would be a -1 on the Alison-Slash scale i.e. too retarded to register. (Wipe dribble and tickle under chin while rolling eyes). =))


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Re: The Trump Hamster Wheel

#704 Post by BenThere » Wed Oct 05, 2016 6:54 pm

Watched the VP debate last night and came away thinking that anyone who didn't perceive which man was the class act and which was crass and shallow is impermeable to reason, logic, and appeals to personal growth. Long may you run!

I thought Pence came across as classy, polite, polished - all the good things. Kaine was rude, interrupting, and obnoxious. I can't imagine even Democrats being proud of his performance.:

Oh, and may I add: Southern Quintana Roo is a tropical paradise, with white sand beaches, laid back beach towns, friendly people, and a year round warm climate. All you need is a 125cc scooter to take it all in and go wherever your heart desires.

It's cheap, too. You can take dinner out every night and have lobster, margaritas, and such and come home with change from a $20 bill. In the morning, you hang out on a sugar white sand beach, swilling a nice espresso crema until you switch to the margaritas at noon and take in the ubiquitous buffet. The tab for a day of unlimited drinks and food at the five star all inclusive will be around $40 or less per person, and you can hang around for the nightly entertainment program if you wish. I think once we move there we'll do that once a week or so. Our friends are already putting in their times to visit us (we bought one condo for us and another for guests). I scratch my head thinking about how life could be better than this.

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Re: The Trump Hamster Wheel

#705 Post by obgraham » Thu Oct 06, 2016 1:39 am

It's what comes during the next 12 hours, Ben, that's off-putting. Especially when they tell you not to put the paper down the drain.


Re: The Trump Hamster Wheel

#706 Post by Slasher » Thu Oct 06, 2016 1:49 am

Ben... whilst SQ Roo sounds like my kinda town didn't it get clobbered by a strong hurri about 2 months back?

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Re: The Trump Hamster Wheel

#707 Post by BenThere » Thu Oct 06, 2016 2:54 pm

I don't think the area has been hit by a hurricane in the last several years, but it is in the hurricane zone.

I got a real good deal at the Dreams Resort in Tulum when it reopened after Hurricane Dean in 2007 caused some heavy damage. All the palm trees were stripped or gone, and only one restaurant and the buffet were in service, but the beach, pool, and bar were all functional, which covers my needs. I think we got about 80% off to stay there. As far as I know Dean was the last one to hit, and I've kept a pretty close eye on the Yucatan over the decades.

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Re: The Trump Hamster Wheel

#708 Post by Lone Ranger » Thu Oct 06, 2016 8:02 pm

It's cheap, too. You can take dinner out every night and have lobster, margaritas, and such and come home with change from a $20 bill. In the morning, you hang out on a sugar white sand beach, swilling a nice espresso crema until you switch to the margaritas at noon and take in the ubiquitous buffet. The tab for a day of unlimited drinks and food at the five star all inclusive will be around $40 or less per person, and you can hang around for the nightly entertainment program if you wish. I think once we move there we'll do that once a week or so. Our friends are already putting in their times to visit us (we bought one condo for us and another for guests). I scratch my head thinking about how life could be better than this.

Life can be soo much better Ben, but first you need to wake up to the reality that all that, 'I got a great deal', 'didn't I do great', 'I saved X dollars', has nothing to do with a good life and everything to do with convincing yourself that you have one.
I am afraid it is too late for you, you are lost.
Oh Blimey

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Re: The Trump Hamster Wheel

#709 Post by BenThere » Thu Oct 06, 2016 8:31 pm

Pardon me, Lone Ranger, if I don't defer to your judgmental and unprovoked slur. As a new retiree and one living on limited funds, I don't see why you have a problem with good deals. Maybe you have so much that any bent toward economy is vulgar. If that's the case, good for you! As you are apparently so ashamed of your home that you don't reveal it, I'm limited as to what I can credibly critique about you, but so far you've failed to impress me.


Re: The Trump Hamster Wheel

#710 Post by Slasher » Fri Oct 07, 2016 4:41 am

Fair enough Ben. Up here in N Thailand it costs next to nothing to live - so long as one avoids the expensive spots geared at farangs, not that there's many. Whilst we can get some bloody big downpours from defunct typhoons now and then during the Wet, we're actually just out of the typhoon zone.

People think Bangkok is what Thailand is all about. That's complete bullsh!t. Up in the far north it's a completely different and extremely pleasant planet. I wouldn't piss on BKK if it was on fire.

I'd say for a family of 3 and the house paid off you're looking at $1,200 U.S. pm for a bloody good living standard indeed with all the trimmings. If you're down to the bones of your arse then $400 is enough to get by in very reasonable comfort.

We'll have to do a house exchange of sorts one day, say for a couple of weeks? I think you'd like it here and I vice versa.


Re: The Trump Hamster Wheel

#711 Post by Capetonian » Fri Oct 07, 2016 9:30 am

Presidential massdebate in Afrikaans accents. Pretty silly really but the whole thing is a farce anyway.

More Aviation

Re: The Trump Hamster Wheel

#712 Post by More Aviation » Fri Oct 07, 2016 9:40 am

Very amusing. :)


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Re: The Trump Hamster Wheel

#713 Post by BenThere » Fri Oct 07, 2016 1:10 pm

We'll have to do a house exchange of sorts one day, say for a couple of weeks? I think you'd like it here and I vice versa.

I would do that. We're leaving next week on a 6 week trip to Australia which includes two weeks in Bali with the in-law clan. I've never BenThere.

I think we might like Northern Thailand. We spent 8 days divided between Bangkok/Phuket last year and had a great time. I worked with a guy years ago at Kalitta, flying 747 classics. He commuted out of Northern Thailand to Hong Kong, where he jumped on company jets to his assignment. I don't recall his name, but I do remember that he seemed quite contented with his lot.

My income adjustment has been from $20k US/month to $10k US/month, and I was saving close to half of what we were making. So far I don't see any ripples, and we do live quite well. We were never ostentatious consumers, lived in condos, etc. Our splurges are fine dining, world travel, massages and pedicures, and buying whatever we want on Amazon. The Mexico investments are just a way to get capital out of the US and get some enjoyment from the capital at work down there. And we really like the spot we found - Gran Bahia Principe, between Akumal and Tulum. We knew this was our home within minutes of driving through the gate.

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Spin this!

#714 Post by Chuks » Sat Oct 08, 2016 2:16 am ... index.html

Anybody who can still line up behind Donald Trump and hope to hold onto some tiny shred of their dignity ... good luck with that!

Oh, "Bill Clinton said worse ... " said the Donald in his sort-of apology, to anyone who might have been offended, not that they should have been. Sure, Donald, and I bet Bill Clinton did worse too, but not on tape, you moron!

It will be fascinating to see how that poor Kellyanne Conway can spin this one. She will, she will, but I can not imagine how she will!

Do you suppose this latest gaffe will come up during the next debate? Answers on a postcard ....

If I were Donald Trump I think I would stop right now with this farce of a campaign and move to Patagonia to build a golf course there.

More Aviation

Re: The Trump Hamster Wheel

#715 Post by More Aviation » Sat Oct 08, 2016 7:33 am

Methinks Trump's goose is finally cooked, thank God!

Interesting to see that Trump's apology is more akin to an apology for getting caught. No doubt he'll soldier on, firing off invective at all in sundry and most of his dismal supporters, who have already drunk the Kool-Aid, will continue to support him. I have taken out a subscription with the Washington Post (I had been toying with the idea for some time).


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Re: The Trump Hamster Wheel

#716 Post by Chuks » Sat Oct 08, 2016 10:11 am

MA, you and I are the outliers in this one, people who have no real use for Donald Trump and the sorts of things that appeal to Donald Trump and the sorts of people who have some degree of regard for Donald Trump. That makes whatever we might have to say about Donald Trump of little interest because they occasion no real surprise.

I want these proud, upstanding, gun-loving, flag-waving Americans, or at least American resident ex-pats, to arise, to stand upon their hind legs and tell us that they still stand behind Donald Trump, a man any reasonable person would not invite into the family home, even if that merely is some giant cockroach-infested Mexican hovel ... for reasonable fear of having the wife; the girlfriend; the daughter or daughters of any age past 11 years and up; and/or family pets including goldfish variously groped, grabbed, kissed, prodded, poked, and drooled upon ... subjected to a sex attack, basically, by this aged perv who thinks that he is God's gift to women.

If you would not invite such a man to dinner, why would you want to put him in the White House? Distinguished foreign visitors, stood there on the porch of the White House as two pairs, Donald with the wife, Malaria with the husband, but Donald with his hand on his partner's arse, because he can get away with that ....

Try that on Angela Merkel, Donald, I dare you! How should the Secret Service react to the President getting his face slapped?

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Re: The Trump Hamster Wheel

#717 Post by IJ Reilly » Sat Oct 08, 2016 1:01 pm

"...a man any reasonable person would not invite into the family home, even if that merely is some giant cockroach-infested Mexican hovel ... for reasonable fear of having the wife; the girlfriend; the daughter or daughters of any age past 11 years and up; and/or family pets including goldfish variously groped, grabbed, kissed, prodded, poked, and drooled upon ... subjected to a sex attack, basically, by this aged perv who thinks that he is God's gift to women."

For a minute there, I could have sworn you were describing Bill Clinton, and his enabling shrew of a wife.

There are many, many reasons not to support Donald Trump. This latest "news" is just another example his infantile tendency to exaggerate; as in his wealth, his (nonexistent) philanthropy, his business acumen, and now his imagined sexual prowess. These are all signs of a spoiled, poor-mannered and entitled man-child. What a clod.

But if engaging in and enabling pervish behavior is a disqualifier (which it must be), then the standard should be applied somewhat equally, no?

More Aviation

Re: The Trump Hamster Wheel

#718 Post by More Aviation » Sat Oct 08, 2016 1:39 pm

One can look back at the history of sexual indiscretions amongst American presidents and senior politicians over the years (there are many of them for they were and are all men) and yet it is still hard to come across as an egregious example of all out creepiness and seedy perversion as the one Trump has just provided the world with. ... ted_States

As for the equal application of censure in the current election I can find no intimation that Mrs Clinton has ever been accused of sexual impropriety or the kind of lewd lack of respect for the opposite sex that Trump has repeatedly shown throughout his miserable career. As for those that say Clinton should be judged by the behaviour of her husband I say to them that she is an individual who should be judged upon her merits or demerits alone. The days when a woman was seen as a mere appendage to her husband having long gone in the civilised world thank goodness...

are all men - not entirely true see:

Whatever her minor misdemeanour for this alone (see below) she should be posthumously saluted:

After leaving Congress, Chenoweth-Hage continued to make headlines. In 2003 at the Boise Airport she was selected by the Transportation Security Administration for a hand search before they would permit her to board a plane for her Nevada home. Chenoweth-Hage requested to see a copy of the regulation granting United States Department of Homeland Security the authority to search her without cause. When the request was denied, she refused to submit to the search and elected to make the 300-mile (480 km) trip by rental car. "Our borders are wide open and yet they're shaking down a 66-year-old white grandmother they greeted by name," she said of the incident. "It's time the American people say no to this kind of invasion. It's a question of personal privacy. There shouldn't be that kind of search without reasonable cause."


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Re: The Trump Hamster Wheel

#719 Post by IJ Reilly » Sat Oct 08, 2016 1:50 pm

MA, "enabling" her perv of a husband is but one of her many crimes. And any claim she has to being a champion of the poor, the downtrodden and oppressed female is offset by her victim blaming and shaming. She and her slimy husband should be sentenced to a life term in the same cell; Trump belongs in one of his seedy NJ Casinos, leering over grainy CCTV footage of the busty croupiers.

More Aviation

Re: The Trump Hamster Wheel

#720 Post by More Aviation » Sat Oct 08, 2016 2:05 pm

IJ Reilly wrote:MA, "enabling" her perv of a husband is but one of her many crimes. And any claim she has to being a champion of the poor, the downtrodden and oppressed female is offset by her victim blaming and shaming. She and her slimy husband should be sentenced to a life term in the same cell; Trump belongs in one of his seedy NJ Casinos, leering over grainy CCTV footage of the busty croupiers.

I tend to agree that the American electorate have not been well served by the choice between the respective candidates in the current election but Trump is certainly now well beyond the pale, surely?

