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Climate Crisis!!!!

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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#561 Post by llondel »

Fox3WheresMyBanana wrote:
Fri Jan 20, 2023 10:59 am
So, when will the next supervolcano go bang?
Based on records, the one that would be expected to go next is Yellowstone. It's in the "any time now" zone based on geologic records, although it might be another 10,000 years before it does decide to blow its top.
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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#562 Post by John Hill »

It know it is fashionable among the gin-swigging classes to decry lunatic 'greens' but just what do they propose should be done?

On the other hand...............
It has also been useful ammunition for politicians looking for reasons to worry less about the implications of climate change. Rep. Lamar Smith, a Republican who chairs the House Committee on Science, recently argued that people shouldn’t be so worried about rising CO2 levels because it’s good for plants, and what’s good for plants is good for us.

“A higher concentration of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere would aid photosynthesis, which in turn contributes to increased plant growth,” the Texas Republican wrote. “This correlates to a greater volume of food production and better quality food.”

But as the zooplankton experiment showed, greater volume and better quality might not go hand-in-hand. In fact, they might be inversely linked. As best scientists can tell, this is what happens: Rising CO2 revs up photosynthesis, the process that helps plants transform sunlight to food. This makes plants grow, but it also leads them to pack in more carbohydrates like glucose at the expense of other nutrients that we depend on, like protein, iron and zinc.
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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#563 Post by TheGreenAnger »

John Hill wrote:
Mon Jan 23, 2023 3:19 am
It has also been useful ammunition for politicians looking for reasons to worry less about the implications of climate change. Rep. Lamar Smith, a Republican who chairs the House Committee on Science, recently argued that people shouldn’t be so worried about rising CO2 levels because it’s good for plants, and what’s good for plants is good for us.
The kind of moronic logic that says because water is essential to life we should live in the sea!
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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#564 Post by John Hill »

Alternative facts eh?
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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#565 Post by barkingmad »

Well guys & gals, all this net-zero, electric car and heat pump garbage will soon be consigned to the dustbin(s) of history once this cunning plan to Save the World finally gets off the ground-literally. :YMAPPLAUSE:

This brilliant foolproof scheme will solve all our problems and together with the plan to reduce/remove CO2 from our biosphere will certainly help the plants on which those nuisance vegans insist we will subsist along with the locust harvest; ... -the-skies

I’m currently updating my CV because, with a posting moniker like mine and reviewing all the utterly ridiculous conspiracy theories I have proffered over the last 3 years about the bat & pangolin effluent disease and it’s eradication, my friends and my psycho therapist consider I’m ideally suited for a plum job in the UN to enable this project!

Here is the document issued by my prospective employer and I trust you will all wish me well in my new challenge? :-? ... sAllowed=y

I’m confident that having perused this material you will all realise how infallible and successful will be this strategy and find no fault in the proposal.

More good news is that our favourite medically qualified computer nerd has been beavering away quietly, despite his incredible workload in the task of getting us all vaccinated thereby securing mankind from disease evermore and who will philanthropically fund the SRM project to secure the future for all of us; ... ns-linger/

I hope any in O-N who dare to utter criticism and negativity about this World-beating (NPI!) scheme will be aware of the pile-on, denigration and general contempt rightly deserved for dissenters and may even be subjected to measures applicable IAW the Trusted News Initiative with which you all must be conversant? =))
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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#566 Post by PHXPhlyer »

One more thing to worry about: My socio economic status vs chemtrails. :((

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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#567 Post by barkingmad »

I presume the Cloggie government are fully aware that the corrupted surface temperature readings assisting in the Climate panic just happen to be taken in locations experiencing UHI, particularly endemic at, you guessed it, airport runway reporting stations?

Maybe their thinking is that by reducing the numbers of Schiphol movements they will see a reduction in Stevenson Screen reported temperatures and therefore will claim to have reduced Glowball Warming by this action?

It sounds very similar to “The Science” which guided TPTB through the recent ‘plague’, something now being exposed as a complete and utter scam Worldwide.

But don’t tell the bats and the pangolins otherwise they’ll feel totally inadequate and whinge about their mental ‘elf! :))

We await similar action from London Thiefrow airport but that will damage the case for another runway, the timescale of which will probably match that of the HS2 and Crossrail projects.

You couldn’t make this stuff up, cue another series of “Yes Prime Minister”. ~X(
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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#568 Post by barkingmad »

As in the recent ‘plague’ plandemic, it seems that FOLLOW THE MONEY will have to be the motto when watching the panic being hyped up by those who obviously benefit financially from the latest scam; ... pointless/

From the article this sums it up;

...”At a stroke, it eliminates the need for Net Zero, a political project now embedded in many countries around the world and supported by an almost unlimited transfer of wealth to many controlling and financially-interested elites. In addition, as a collectivist project seeking to change society, Net Zero is particularly appealing to many on the Left.”

As the Climate Fearmongers try to reduce atmospheric CO2 to levels which will probably kill off plant life, we see more money-making scams popping up like the green shoots of Spring, something natural and biological which they’re determined to suppress as in this crackpot scheme which uses even more electricity;

Of course it has to be Auntie Beeb stoking the flames of fear with their usual partisan view of the approaching thermal apocalypse now that the Ice Age forecast in the 1970s is delayed by bad weather! =))
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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#569 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana »

It's in the "any time now" zone based on geologic records,
Because I've taught astrophysics for a while, I'm always mentioning the Chicxulub asteroid suspected to have wiped out the dinosaurs.
I like to continue " fact, there's a big asteroid impact about every 65 million years, and the last one was 65 million years Tuesday."

Everybody tenses on the "next Tuesday". :D
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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#570 Post by barkingmad »

The UK weather yesterday & today has ramped up my fear of Glowball Warming to an unacceptable level.

The temperature dropped to minus 16C at Altnaharra in the Highlands on Wednesday night, making it the coldest night of 2023 so far, the Met Office said.

The coldest UK temperature I have experienced was at sea level at Lossiemouth in 1977 at -19*C.

So that's 3*C warmer and now I'm checking the altitude of my current home to ensure it will not be affected by the 200' forecast rise in sea level when all the Poles (geographic, not National) have lost their ice caps.

But didn't we get some kind of weather like this in winter when most of us here were mere striplings? :-o
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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#571 Post by OFSO »

It was -28°c for three nights running while living in Ober-Ramstadt in the late 1960's. Coincidentally, a non-driving weekend due to fuel shortages. I could have driven due to my special permit, but didn't - I went for a walk one night. Humidity was near to zero and no wind, so didn't feel cold!
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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#572 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana »

-28 a fortnight ago here, but -44 (a record) with the windchill. Did not go for a walk.

I was born in 1962, so yes a very cold winter in England. My mum reports that my nursery was often below freezing.
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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#573 Post by Dushan »

-2C here, but snowed since 0600, so we have 15cm of Global Warming accumulated over the 20cm, last week, so far. I too am preparing the dinghy and supplies expecting the creek, 200' below us to raise to our 3rd floor balcony.

Our buildings gas bill last month was $6,700, $1,200 of which was the "Carbon Tax" that Ottawa uses to combat Global Warming with. Money so well spent...
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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#574 Post by TheGreenAnger »

Dushan wrote:
Fri Mar 10, 2023 10:18 pm
-2C here, but snowed since 0600, so we have 15cm of Global Warming accumulated over the 20cm, last week, so far. I too am preparing the dinghy and supplies expecting the creek, 200' below us to raise to our 3rd floor balcony.

Our buildings gas bill last month was $6,700, $1,200 of which was the "Carbon Tax" that Ottawa uses to combat Global Warming with. Money so well spent...
We should both promulgate a "scientific" expedition to the South Pole!

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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#575 Post by jimtherev »

TheGreenAnger wrote:
Fri Mar 10, 2023 10:22 pm
We should both promulgate a "scientific" expedition to the South Pole!
... before it drifts away?
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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#576 Post by TheGreenAnger »

jimtherev wrote:
Fri Mar 10, 2023 10:59 pm
TheGreenAnger wrote:
Fri Mar 10, 2023 10:22 pm
We should both promulgate a "scientific" expedition to the South Pole!
... before it drifts away?
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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#577 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana »

Wrong Pole ;)))

There is a little-known Canadian plan to gain ownership of the North Pole.

I can't say much, nudge-nudge, but let's just say a very large winch is involved :D
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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#578 Post by Pinky the pilot »

Now Autumn here in 'Oz' and, here in Waikerie SA at least, it has been the mildest Summer for about 14 or 15 years. :-o

Seems to happen in cycles of about that duration. /:) Struth!! I wonder why? :-?

Oh yes; And one of the largest floods of the Murray River (Which runs right past Waikerie) since the big one of '56 has just finished. However, some elderly long-time locals are saying "Wait 'til next year!"
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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#579 Post by barkingmad »

“Elderly long-time locals” generally have some extended real life ‘lived experience’ and are less likely to panic about the latest storm/drought/flood/gales/today’s weather which are threatening the snowflake security of the younger generations who live through the screens of their PEDs and rarely look up a the wonders of nature.

Hence the recent successes of Project Fear Mk2 which also panders to politicians desperately seeking causes to which they can subscribe in order to gain publicity, appear empathetic and attract votes in addition to possible funding for their pet projects.

And the gullible sheeple once again swallow the Kool-Aid with the same gusto and in similar quantities to the terror they ingested at the start of the ‘plague’ and still the odd unfortunates parade around in the open air sporting face-nappies. ... ver-covid/

So whilst we all argue over ‘plague’ precautions and mishandling of the pan(dem)ic, let us never lose track of the massive shifting of what remains of our money to the wealthy few who continue to bank and squirrel away the vast quantities of dosh which accompany such scams.

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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#580 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana »

Biden starts to realise Net Zero is unachievable on anything like the current timeframe. Backtracks on oft-repeated "No new drilling on Federal Lands. Period" and authorizes drilling in the most environmentally-sensitive Federal land of the lot - Alaska. ... -drilling/
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