Wind Turbine De-Icing.

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Re: Wind Turbine De-Icing.

#21 Post by PHXPhlyer » Thu Aug 27, 2020 4:19 pm

#Black Blades Matter


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Re: Wind Turbine De-Icing.

#22 Post by barkingmad » Mon Feb 28, 2022 12:45 pm

More mental detritus was affecting my small brain the other day as I panted up the hill on my bicycle then past the local wind farm.

We are complaining about electricity prices due to the increase in hydrocarbon fuels so presumably we should be extracting the maximum from our windfarms instead of "topping up" from gas powered stations.

So on a February day in the north of England when my toes were going numb in the ambient temperature with the windchill, I noticed 3 of the 4 turbines were stationary and blades feathered.

I was informed some time ago this was not necessarily due to equipment defects and outage but was because the turbine operators shut down their equipment if the baseload price for generation Megawatts falls below a certain threshold.

There was partial cloud cover so I cannot believe sufficient wiggly amps were being spewed out by solar sources so who's kidding who about energy prices?

When Wee Krankie got her referendum in 2014, the belief at the time was, with oil at $140 per barrel, "Scotlands Oil" would make them them the MacSaudiaArabia of Europe and all would be milk and honey.

But I don't recall fuel prices at the pump then going anywhere near the current levels with oil now at about $105 per barrel, before the Ukraine mess kicked off?

So are we being scammed economically when it comes to energy costs and the associated increases resulting from the wide scale Project Fear Mk 19...?

And as the UK litters the North Sea with Mercedes car adverts will anyone take note of a possible eco-damage effect from the metal forest being planted out there? See below; ... north-sea/

The 'wattsup' site is performing a reasonable counterpoint to the eco-fascists who currently rule the roost of doom and gloom.

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