Death of senior Royal Marine officer (aged 54)

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Re: Death of senior Royal Marine officer (aged 54)

#61 Post by FD2 » Mon Oct 11, 2021 7:37 pm

I did say 'threatened' UP! A great summation of the various threats to UK territories through the ages and I agree entirely about Carrington - one of the few UK politicians I admired. If the last few governments have decided to try and climb back on to a corner of the World stage I think I'd rather they were 'poncing' around the western Pacific and the South China Sea than elsewhere. Support of the UK friendly nations against China and its striving for Asian hegemony should be confronted. Conciliation does not work with dictators, as the great Emperor Xi has become.

I just wish it had not taken the Government's eyes off the real invasion taking place at the moment in small rubber boats across the Channel. The Navy is not to blame - I would say that - but it's the Government that decides on policy after asking for advice from the various service chiefs and other high heid yins in various organisations to support the actions they'd lke to take. I'm sure they will have cobbled together some small fast interceptors by winter next year or the year after - maybe Princess Nutnuts is advising Boris on this matter - and I suspect the naval escort situation is a bit depleted at present with other commitments around the world. But the $64,000 question is what do do with them when they get through all the 'tough defences' France and the UK put in their way.

When some grievance occurred in a civilian crewroom the cry use to go up "What's Balpa going to do about it?" It had to be explained patiently time and again that Balpa didn't do anything unless it was an action requested by it's members - it was not an instigator of industrial action. Likewise the RN, Border Force etc will not do anything unless it is at the behest of their masters in the Government having been given suitable equipment to do so. :))

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Re: Death of senior Royal Marine officer (aged 54)

#62 Post by Ex-Ascot » Thu Oct 14, 2021 6:11 am

Seems that police removed a shotgun from him a few day before he died because a relative was concerned about his mental health. If someone like him was intent on suicide he was going to find a way.
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Re: Death of senior Royal Marine officer (aged 54)

#63 Post by ricardian » Tue Nov 02, 2021 9:10 pm

Ricardian, Stronsay, Orkney UK

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