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We had a party in the hangar!

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2024 7:29 pm
by John Hill

Thats about half the number of aircraft we had to drag outdoors...we have 40+ aircraft in total (depending on what is counted as an 'aircraft!


.......I was not invited to the party proper.

Yes, we need more exhibition space and what get got for providing the venue for this function will go towards that.

Re: We had a party in the hangar!

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2024 7:39 pm
by Karearea
A lot of work involved in setting that up, John. :-bd

D'you do the catering as well?

I hope all went well and the fundraising was successful.

Re: We had a party in the hangar!

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2024 8:09 pm
by John Hill
No, the client got caterers and party managers in. It was sure enough work for us codgers to drag everything out and to scrub the floor etc.

This is Ashburton so of course everything left out would have got covered in dust and since then we have had smatterings of rain so it will be mops and rags as we put them back.