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Was it the pick-up truck's fault?

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 11:47 am
by Airborne Aircrew
Or was it the man behind the wheel that killed the Iraq veteran Marine and firefighter?

"The suspect came by, was upset for whatever reason (and) circled back around" before striking the firefighter, Kraus said. "The preliminary investigation is that he deliberately hit the firefighter."

Rodeman was wearing a reflective vest and other gear and was standing in the road's center turning lane.

Tionna Davis told the newspaper she was driving in the area and saw the pickup swerve from one lane to another before Rodeman was struck.

"He literally tried to hit him," she said.


It's important that I know because I drive a pick-up daily and need to know if I need to be particularly aware around firefighters.

Joke aside, sad day...