Utterly Stupid

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Utterly Stupid

#1 Post by OFSO » Thu Dec 03, 2015 11:37 am

Two months ago the various Catalan political parties got together and formed a single platform in favour of separation from Spain.

They got resounding support from the electorate, but then in-fighting and squabbling set in between the parties and it looks - or looked - as if the whole issue of separation might die away if left alone. Only an act of legal aggression from Madrid could change matters - and they wouldn't be so stupid as to wake sleeping dogs, would they ?


Yesterday the Spanish Constitutional Court - which is not independent and always does what the ruling government in Madrid wants it to - declared the separation decision of the Catalan Government null and void.

Well, that will unify the various political parties in Barcelona again.

Cartoon from today's "El Punt"


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