
John Hill
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Re: Deadline

#21 Post by John Hill »

Seenenough wrote:
Sat Oct 01, 2022 9:21 pm
John Hill wrote:
Sat Oct 01, 2022 9:11 am
om15 wrote:
Sat Oct 01, 2022 9:01 am
John, you could always put a Postal Order in the post (surface mail), except that the Royal Mail is on strike of course.
I think the Post Office stopped selling Postal Orders in 2018!
John,I just paid your subs ,to ease the admins to speak-I hope you accept my gift in the same way that OM appreciated my attempt to give him a gift.

Do not publish email addresses. £3 received.
Thanks Seenenough, I will be forever in your debt! ^:)^
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Re: Deadline

#22 Post by jimtherev »

Oy you lot, why are you all on Admin's back? Perhaps I'm too simple a soul. The narrative as I understand/remember it goes a bit like this.
It's come up to the time that the annual sub which so far Alison has paid for to the gang who are our web hosts. (This has since year one been paid by a gift from one of the members, but Alison then took responsibility.)
Admin told us about it, and consulted on the best way to pay. Ideally it would have been much simpler it some kind person paid the whole lot. A few people offered to stump up shares in the tens of dollars, but no-one offered the whole lot. Soooooo, Imself judged it fairer to suggest the sub method which we have. No-one at that time said Noooo, so that's what happened.

And people have been whinging ever since. I despair!
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Re: Deadline

#23 Post by Wodrick »

You will find you have a PM Jim
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Re: Deadline

#24 Post by admin2 »

Seenenough has left the building due to excessive breach of my tolerance levels.

An update, therefore on the 'financials': I have refunded Seenenough's original £3 'donation' for his subs (as shown on the relevant thread), and, as also shown, accepted his philanthropic donation towards JH's subs (as JH was having a struggle with Western Union) AND I have also refunded the unexplained £1 received from him this morning (with a strange, cryptic message attached).
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Re: Deadline

#25 Post by om15 »

Jim, I don't think that anyone has whinged about the £3 donation, looking back at the thread it seems that it is more the acerbic and confrontational style of the moderator that has irked members, to refer to the mild and pleasant VP as on drugs and being a prima donna is rudeness beyond comprehension.

You are always welcome to a refund of your wife's money.

Looking at how far this forum has gone downhill this year I would appreciate it if you could refund the £3 as I don't think membership of this forum is worth that much. Also kindly remove my name from the list of members if you could be so good.
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Re: Deadline

#26 Post by admin2 »

Certainly. Done at your request. I do need your wife's account details, however, for the refund. Your email is bouncing.
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Re: Deadline

#27 Post by admin2 »

The following users have not been active (ie visited the site) for some considerable time when checked on 1/9/22: If anyone has contact please find out if they are likely to wish to continue.

Nick Riviera

Just checked today and Cooda has actually now '24/9', so appears to be ''sort of active'.
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