Help has arrived......

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Help has arrived......

#1 Post by CharlieOneSix »

Three gardeners arrived here at o'crack sparrows to sort out our nearly half acre jungle of a garden. I'm just not coping with the workload as the years progress and my physical ability diminishes. Must admit I'm impressed with what they have achieved in just under three hours but it's going to take much more than one day to fix...

That leaves me with time to sort out the last jobs in renovating the pond before I refill it (roughly 31,000 litres) and add Dyofix blue dye to stop algae and aquatic weed production. It will also be good to get the waterfall working again which will get some water movement to help the duckweed problem.
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Re: Help has arrived......

#2 Post by Pontius Navigator »

Very prett. One reason we sold up. About 200 metres of leylandii hedging to cut each year. Half an acre of lawn and orchard. Dozen fruit trees to tend, spray, prune and harvest. Netting a 12 foot cherry tree was fun.
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Re: Help has arrived......

#3 Post by om15 »

C16, I had a wildlife pond when we lived in Devon, I tried everything to reduce the murk, nothing would do it, then I bought some bio degradable stuff like talcum powder, I sprinkled it on, after a week or so things began to clear and I could see that I had many fish in the pond, after a month or so the pond became absolutely gin clear, I could see the black bottom feeders drifting about like U boats, see the frogs swimming about, it was a complete transformation and it stayed that way for years.
I just can't remember what it was called!
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Re: Help has arrived......

#4 Post by ian16th »

om15 wrote:
Sat Aug 03, 2019 11:47 am
C16, I had a wildlife pond when we lived in Devon, I tried everything to reduce the murk, nothing would do it, then I bought some bio degradable stuff like talcum powder, I sprinkled it on, after a week or so things began to clear and I could see that I had many fish in the pond, after a month or so the pond became absolutely gin clear, I could see the black bottom feeders drifting about like U boats, see the frogs swimming about, it was a complete transformation and it stayed that way for years.
I just can't remember what it was called!
Diatomaceous earth?
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Re: Help has arrived......

#5 Post by ribrash »

Re clear water.My next door neighbour had a massive pond/massive problem.He diverted the waterflow through a UV filter system.Within days the water was crystal clear.
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Re: Help has arrived......

#6 Post by Pontius Navigator »

ribrash wrote:
Sat Aug 03, 2019 12:49 pm
Re clear water.My next door neighbour had a massive pond/massive problem.He diverted the waterflow through a UV filter system.Within days the water was crystal clear.
We had one. About the size of a large paper basket. It was filled with 2 or 3 filters, water was pumped through and then past a UV lamp. The filters collected mud, eggs, snails etc which all lived happily in the filter.

They said you could clean them but it was not necessary. I did once, never again.

Water then flowed down a rill and waterfall to re oxygenate.
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Re: Help has arrived......

#7 Post by bob2s »

Was in Haymen Island Resort in Queensland, outside all rooms are large drainage drains that had hay laying on the bottom to keep the water clear.The manager stated that after spending thousand of dollars on chemicals etc. a guest suggested that placing hay in the drains would solve the problem of cloudy water,to which it did.
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Re: Help has arrived......

#8 Post by k3k3 »

Barley straw has the best water clearing effect. I dropped a bale in a murky pond once and within days it was crystal clear.
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Re: Help has arrived......

#9 Post by Pontius Navigator »

Indeed did that too.
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