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Spitting Image to return?

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Spitting Image to return?

#1 Post by CharlieOneSix »

From the Daily Mail: Spitting Image producers keen for it to return

It won't be quite the same without Maggie and the Queen Mum but with puppets of Trump, Boris, Corbyn, Sturgeon and Abbott - what potential for comedic mockery! Not everybody's cup of tea but I thought it was a hilarious programme.....but there again I like Mrs Brown's Boys which many do not.
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Re: Spitting Image to return?

#2 Post by Capetonian »

Whilst I enjoyed the original series, they did rather go on past their sell by date.

I would put any amount of money on a new series, so many years on, being pathetic as the BBC has lost the plot, nothing it produces now in the way of comedy is funny, and it will be so marred by political correctness that opportunities for humour will be severely curtailed.

I'm not holding my breath. It will just be another piece of PC faeces.

By the way I think Mrs. Brown's Boys is utter crap, unfunny, vulgar, and above all demeaning to the Irish.
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Re: Spitting Image to return?

#3 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana »

This being promoted tells me one thing at least - the luvvies think there's zero chance of a Labour government ;)))
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Re: Spitting Image to return?

#4 Post by Pontius Navigator »

Just looking at that screenshot - know every one portrayed there. Every one a character.

If the new cabinet? Obviously BJ. Dominic Cummings today, bursting in, but he may not stay the pace. What other characters jump to mind, instantly recognisable?

Really it is too early and the cast not sufficiently well known to be recognisable.

Re: Spitting Image to return?

#5 Post by Sisemen »

Can place all apart from 3rd from the right - Rifkind?
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Re: Spitting Image to return?

#6 Post by 4mastacker »

Sisemen wrote:
Sun Aug 04, 2019 4:00 pm
Can place all apart from 3rd from the right - Rifkind?
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Re: Spitting Image to return?

#7 Post by Woody »

I would put any amount of money on a new series, so many years on, being pathetic as the BBC has lost the plot,
, so would I because it was an ITV show :(
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Re: Spitting Image to return?

#8 Post by Capetonian »

Was it? Shows you how little interest I take in TV shows!
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Re: Spitting Image to return?

#9 Post by om15 »

As mentioned on another thread I don't watch the TV very much, the only comedy that I think is funny is "Still Game", from Scottish BBC, however sadly this series was the last and the final episode was shown last week.
Spitting image was very good, I think that there is just as rich material available now as there was 30 years ago, perhaps it could be said that current politicians are even more abject than they were then. Being PC, I'm not too sure, they could get away with quite a bit, providing they weren't racist or untruthful, they would have to be careful with Abbot and a few others on the labour front bench, but I dare say that their target would be the Tories and Farage, quite rich pickings there I would have thought, they could do a complete programme just on Johnson and still have material left over, that is before they look at Rory Stewart.

I would like to see it back, it has to be better than the low cost banal stuff that is shown every evening on the main channels.
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Re: Spitting Image to return?

#10 Post by Pontius Navigator »

Of course there would also be the bit part players, Andrew Marr, Laura Knusburg, Nigel Farage, as well as wee jimmy and the Labour front bench.
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Re: Spitting Image to return?

#11 Post by llondel »

Given that real life has largely overtaken satire, they'll have a hard job.
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Re: Spitting Image to return?

#12 Post by Ex-Ascot »

As you say C16 we have lost HMQ The Queen Mother and HRH Princess Margaret but we have gained that American. Plenty of material there.
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Re: Spitting Image to return?

#13 Post by Pontius Navigator »

There are still good script writers out there. The Windsors was pure Spitting Image with excellent actors vice puppets and included Gypsy Kate, Pippa's star and the American. I think the best was German Anne.

Didn't like Edward. Interesting that Anne or Edward's wives didn't feature.

I could not tell Beatrice and Eugenie apart from their real personae.
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Re: Spitting Image to return?

#14 Post by Undried Plum »

Capetonian wrote:
Sun Aug 04, 2019 11:14 am
I would put any amount of money on a new series, so many years on, being pathetic as the BBC has lost the plot, nothing it produces now in the way of comedy is funny, and it will be so marred by political correctness that opportunities for humour will be severely curtailed.
It was ITV, not BBC.

I greatly hope it will come back as the current generation of politicians really need to have the piss ripped right out of 'em.
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Re: Spitting Image to return?

#15 Post by Pontius Navigator »

Undried Plum wrote:
Tue Aug 06, 2019 8:13 am
Capetonian wrote:
Sun Aug 04, 2019 11:14 am
I would put any amount of money on a new series, so many years on, being pathetic as the BBC has lost the plot, nothing it produces now in the way of comedy is funny, and it will be so marred by political correctness that opportunities for humour will be severely curtailed.
It was ITV, not BBC.

I greatly hope it will come back as the current generation of politicians really need to have the piss ripped right out of 'em.
See #7.

Agree with your second point. Mind you, TM featured in The Windsors and was ripped off to a as counter point to He Who Would Be King.
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Re: Spitting Image to return?

#16 Post by Undried Plum »

Oops, hadn't read the whole thread. Sorree.

The now huge royal family need to have the piss ripped out of 'em too. Even more so than in the days when such a thing was quite new in the media.

Re: Spitting Image to return?

#17 Post by Capetonian »

They now have a prima-donna goffle in the family, with a trailer trash father and a black mother (very dignified and lady like though).

Plenty of scope for taking the piss there.
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Re: Spitting Image to return?

#18 Post by FD2 »

Agree 100% about Still Game - funniest by a long mile in recent times but went off the boil at the end. The Royal Family was very funny at times but naturally featured the Royals more than some other richly deserving characters in the UK today. It would be great if it really could be even handed in skewering the so called 'great and good' - politicians, royals, TV 'personalities', 'celebrities', Channel 4 people, etc etc...
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Re: Spitting Image to return?

#19 Post by FD2 »

An early look at the new puppets:
Putin.jpg (18.45 KiB) Viewed 3373 times
Harry and Meghan.jpg
Harry and Meghan.jpg (43.13 KiB) Viewed 3373 times
trumps.jpg (32.32 KiB) Viewed 3373 times
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Re: Spitting Image to return?

#20 Post by Pontius Navigator »

When I saw the heading I thought SI would not work today as our politicians are rotating too often, many will disappear soon, but not soon enough, but those ones above are perfect.
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