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False passports, but not a problem for these folk

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False passports, but not a problem for these folk

#1 Post by prospector »

:-\ ... hp&pc=U531

"A man who may have unknowingly helped funnel money to terrorists behind the Easter bombings in Sri Lanka has been granted refugee status in New Zealand.

The Immigration and Protection Tribunal found the man was not involved in supporting terrorist goals and did not know who the money went to or came from.

It heard he carried out several transactions a month in a money transfer scheme involving his mother-in-law overseas and a foreign broker.

His Tamilian wife was arrested and beaten after the 2019 bombings as police tried to find him. She was released after a bribe was paid, and the couple went into hiding.

They flew to New Zealand on false passports, and were granted refugee status in June on appeal.

The tribunal ruled their evidence was "credible, consistent and compelling"."
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Re: False passports, but not a problem for these folk

#2 Post by prospector » ... hp&pc=U531

"A 19-year-old accused of threatening to kill non-Muslims will keep his identity secret for now, after an appearance in North Shore District Court."
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Re: False passports, but not a problem for these folk

#3 Post by ExSp33db1rd »

........will keep his identity secret.........
New Zealand Over Zealous Privacy laws !!

The couple who flew and drove from Auckland to Wanaka last week, contrary to the present Covid lockdown situation forbidding such activity, have finally had their names released, but why were they ever suppressed in the first place, and why haven't they been charged, its not in any doubt that they did that.

Apparently their names were all over Social Media anyway, whatever that is, but some unfortunate 21 year old innocent female with the same name has been roundly abused and defiled as a result.

Crime Doesn't Pay - except in New Zealand, where we are running out of wet bus tickets.
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Re: False passports, but not a problem for these folk

#4 Post by prospector »

It would appear we are going to need some more wet bus tickets ... hp&pc=U531

A dispute between current and past elected officials of the Māori Council has now extended to a complaint to police about use of bank accounts, reports Aaron Smale

The Māori Council has made a formal complaint to the police about tens of thousands of dollars paid out of its accounts after they were to be frozen at the conclusion of its elections.

The letter says that unauthorised payments were made from the accounts without authority after the end of NZMC elections held in May. The 11-page letter with accompanying documentation was sent to Police Commissioner Andrew Coster and is signed by Professor Gary Hook and John Hooker, co-chairs of the Finance, Audit and Risk Committee of the NZ Māori Council.

The letter says: “The NZMC wishes to formally complain about $76,174.05 withdrawn from its accounts without authority. It asks the police to investigate these matters and to ensure that they are properly dealt with.”
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Re: False passports, but not a problem for these folk

#5 Post by prospector »

Is this more racist identity politics, or am I just being to sensitive, or cynical?? ... hp&pc=U531

"It is feared young Māori in particular are falling for COVID-19 vaccine misinformation - much of which is being created by white supremacists"

"I know a lot of whanau don't trust the government and for good reason. We have had a terrible experience of colonisation. But the trials show the vaccine is really safe and effective and the first person who got it were old Pākehā white people.

"If it wasn't safe they wouldn't be giving it to them first".
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Re: False passports, but not a problem for these folk

#6 Post by FD2 »

It was reported on the news tonight that people were turning up for Covid jabs in Northland and starting to cry because they believed that the vaccine might kill them. Now I wonder where they get their news. It's certainly not from TV or the radio.
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Re: False passports, but not a problem for these folk

#7 Post by prospector »

Would Jacinda have been elected if this video was shown to NZ'ers before the last, or any election??

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Re: False passports, but not a problem for these folk

#8 Post by Pontius Navigator »

That video also invites the shout

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Re: False passports, but not a problem for these folk

#9 Post by FD2 »

I think I know what drives her! ... e-minister

Slightly blunter message from over the Tasman: ... d5bc731c51
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Re: False passports, but not a problem for these folk

#10 Post by FD2 »

Imagine what would have happened if a National Party PM (are any of them good enough the top job?) had done something like this at a right wing rally when he was younger. The hue and cry from Labour would have been amazing and 'cancellation' would be hot on its heels, aided by the press which has been largely in thrall to Saint Jacinda for the last 5 years plus.

I'm pleased that at long last the press are beginning to do their job and actually ask the hard questions of the politicians (of both sides) instead of just giving National a hard time. IMO David Seymour seems to be the only one who does more than speak in sound bites (or sound 'growls' in Judith Collins' case). Perhaps it's time for the government to sort out a few problems at home like gangs, violent crime etc if they want to regain public trust and also scrap the Three Waters nonsense that Mahuta actually described as an example of real 'democracy' in action, completely ignoring the overwhelming public outcry and rejection.
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Re: False passports, but not a problem for these folk

#11 Post by prospector »

Can people see any similarity between what is being forced into classrooms in America, and any other Western, basically Christian style country? In New Zealand history is being rewritten, it would appear to be also the case in Australia, definitely in Canada and Great Britain. ... aign=Email
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Re: False passports, but not a problem for these folk

#12 Post by prospector »

An interesting tale that may amuse many who have had to watch this "haka" close up. ... -murderer/

"So let us revisit some of those atrocities:

In 1826-27, Te Rauparaha attacked and annihilated the tribes of Nelson and northern Marlborough
In 1828, he sacked the Ngati Kura pa at Kaikoura, killing 1000 and enslaving hundreds; then destroying the Omihi pa further south
In 1829, using subterfuge, he attacked Ngai Tahu’s Kaiapoi pa (just north of present-day Christchurch) but was eventually beaten off
He was back in November, 1830, secreting his men aboard the vessel Elizabeth under the connivance of Captain John Stewart at Akaroa
In 1831, he returned to the Kaiapoi pa with 800 men and laid siege for several months before it fell
Next was the the pa on Onawe Peninsula, which Te Rauparaha overwhelmed with another ploy
But the tide was turning. The southern tribes at Otakou (Otago) and Murihiku (Southland) had acquired muskets. Te Rauparaha narrowly escaped capture at Lake Grassmere (Marlborough) in 1833. He was chased to the Marlborough Sounds and retreated across Cook Strait. In 1834, another attempt was made by Ngati Toa and they retreated again"
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Re: False passports, but not a problem for these folk

#13 Post by G-CPTN »

Sounds like a bunch of savages.
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Re: False passports, but not a problem for these folk

#14 Post by Pontius Navigator »

G-CPTN wrote:
Sun Nov 28, 2021 8:13 am
Sounds like a bunch of savages.
When I was there in 1973 a newspaper report included "ran amok with a machete" of a Maori on the funicular railway in Wellington.

I do loving reading the local newspapers. Of India "sentenced to rigorous incarceration for having more wealth than he could justify". He was a civil servant; bribery was not mentioned. Or "hacked to death by the mob", code for we have no idea who killed him.
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